you guys know captain talcott? what do you think, doc? nobody say anything. the maid came in an hour ago and found him. she's not a live-in. she's 54 years old and weighs 240 pounds. he left the club with his girlfriend about midnight. that's the last time anybody saw him. he was a retired rock and roll star. catherine tramell, 162 divisadero. nick! keep your three o'clock. i said keep it. she's a suspect. catherine tramell. age 30. no priors, no convictions. double major, magnum cum laude, berkeley, 1980. literature and psychology. daughter, sole survivor -- marvin and elaine tramell, killed in a boating accident, 1978, catherine tramell sole heir. estimated assets $110 million. formerly engaged to roberto vasquez, deceased -- bobby vasquez, former middleweight contender, killed in the ring atlantic city, 1984. you forgot her degree in literature. she's a writer. she published a novel last year under a pen name. do you want to know what it's about? it's about a retired rock and roll star who is murdered by his girlfriend. dr. gardner? we bring her in for questioning. she was the last person seen with the guy -- i'll take the responsibility. why have you waived your right to an attorney, ms. tramell? you describe a white silk scarf in your book. maybe that's what you're counting on to get you off the hook. how did you know he was married? you didn't feel anything for him. you just had sex with him for your book. well, i guess that's it. yes. thanks for coming in, ms. tramell. i'm sorry to inconvenience you. what is all this "nick" stuff -- nick would you like a cigarette. nick can you give me a ride. and you volunteered. you sure? what now what? now nothing. she passed the polygraph. that's it. how the fuck do you know? what is it with you and this broad anyway? her parents died in an accident. i don't care what else she's written. what are you -- a book critic? how you're saying she killed her parents? did she kill bobby vasquez, too? maybe she did, gus. maybe she grew herself an afro and learned a left hook and put shoe polish on her face. let's polygraph her again and ask her about it. fuck you, too nick. we're discussing a case, marty. sometimes i think he started banging her just to get himself off the hook with internal affairs. yeah. i know. you look like dogshit. university records say she was there. gus -- go over to berkeley. harrigan -- find out what else she's published. andrews -- get the files on her parents' accident. carbon beth on everything. i want some psychological input on this andrews and harrigan go; nick is left there with gus. go stick your head in a tub of ice water. see where she leads. give me your gun, nick. i'll ask you once, nick -- for the record did you kill him? like writing a book about killing a guy gets you off the hook for killing him. private joke. i.a.'s going to talk to you more about nilsen. they're handling the investigation, we're not. stay in touch with dr. gardner, it'll help on the evaluation. beth? now you've got beth killing people? first you've got her buying your file. now you've got her killing nilsen. forget her, willya? go someplace. sit in the sun. get away from this goddamn fog. get her out of your system. she's screwing with your head, nick. pretty soon you're gonna look in the mirror and think you're seeing her. tell me again. i want to hear you say it again. you're driving around north beach for no particular reason and this car won't get out of the way -- don't fuck with me, nick. i don't need a reason to put your ass in a sling. you knew her, didn't you? i told you to stay away from tramell. what made you think she had a gun? what the hell was she doing here? what was gus doing here? jesus. have ballistics check it for nilsen. i guess that's it. she must've heard you on the stairway and dumped the stuff. you just can't tell about people, can you. even the ones you think you know inside-out.