rock and roll, gus. johnny boz. before your time, pop. mid-sixties. five or six hits. he's got a club down in the fillmore now. what was it? it looks like some civic-minded, very respectable cocaine to me, gus. who's the girlfriend? talcott doesn't usually show up at the office 'till after his 18 holes. what are they nervous about? do you want me to work the case, phil, or do you want me to -- i'm detective curran, this is detective moran. we're with the san francisco police department. i didn't know you knew who picasso was, gus. we're sorry to disturb you, we'd like to ask you some -- why do you think he's dead? who are you? thanks. ms. tramell? i'm de. with an ice pick. how long were you dating him? how long were you having sex with him? were you with him last night? did you leave the club with him? did you go home with him? was there anyone with you last night? let me ask you something, ms. tramell? are you sorry he's dead? i'm sorry, beth. i -- i got hung up in stinson. i'm fine. come on, beth! you know i'm fine! how the hell long do i have to keep doing this? it's bullshit. you know it is. things are fine. i told you. they're fine. my sex life is fine. my sex life is pretty shitty actually since i stopped seeing you -- maybe i should think about my electrolux again. sorry. it's been three months. no. no! i'm working my tail off. i'm off the sauce, i'm not even smoking anymore. it's fucked -- now will you please tell i.a. that i'm just you average healthy totally fucked-up cop and let me get out of here? thank you. she misses me. he liked the mayor, too, right? are you kidding me? i love it. she's got a hundred million bucks. she fucks fighters and rock and roll stars. and she's got a degree in screwing with peoples' heads. page 67, pop. do you know how she does the boyfriend? with an icepick, in bed, his hands tied with a white silk scarf. what if the writer did it? what are we dealing with? what if it's not the writer? what if it's someone who read the book? so what do we do -- nothing? no she won't. i don't think she's going to hide behind anybody. i don't think she's going to hide at all. ms. tramell, we'd like you to come downtown and answer some questions for us. if that's the way you want to play it. i don't know. do you always keep old newspapers around? i don't smoke. i quit. i thought you were out of cigarettes. i told you -- i quit. what's your new book about? what happens to him? ms. tramell waived her right to an attorney. i told them you wouldn't want an attorney present. i told them you wouldn't want to hide. but you said you liked men to use their hands. writing a book about it gives you an alibi for not killing him. you like playing games, don't you? how about boxing? that's a game. was that fun for you? how did you feel when he died? how did you feel when i told you johnny boz had died -- that day at the beach. but you didn't hurt -- because you didn't love him -- even though you were fucking him. no. how does somebody beat this machine? sure. it's got to be tiring to beat that machine. why not? i passed. how do you know all this stuff about me? i don't know anything that isn't police business. she didn't ask me for the ride. she asked anybody. double black jack rocks, harry. it's my first drink in three months. that okay with you, pop? she doesn't know me. i never saw her before gus and i talked to her. thanks, harry. i'm sure. now what? she knew she could beat it. that's why she asked to take it. come on, phil. you're not gonna let this slide. what about her parents? what about what else she's published? at least we should get the stuff to see if we find anything else that's an amazing real-life coincidence. how did they die? was there an investigation? fuck you, phil. can you get me another double black jack, harry. i'm off-duty, nilsen. you hear me? i'm off-duty discussing a case. internal affairs shouldn't have any trouble with that. maybe i should put in for overtime. i'm gonna tell you once more, nilsen -- yeah. what are you doing here? what else is new? you want to get out of here? who? she said what you said she'd say. why didn't you tell me? you're the shrink. who was i making love to? i need a cigarette. she was there, wasn't she? what about me? shit. what are you doing here, pop? was she ever suspect? do you remember a case -- 1956 -- hazel dobkins? am i. disturbing you? no, thanks. i'd like to ask you a few more questions. what kind of questions? you tell me. it was an accident. they got in the line of fire. they were drug buys. i was a vice cop. tell me about professor goldstein. you want a name from the present? how about hazel dobkins? she wiped out her whole family. didn't you study it in school? no. i didn't. who has access to my file? who's got access to my goddamn file? don't, beth. don't lie to me. it's internal affairs, isn't it? who? you sold her the file, didn't you? what'd she pay you? nothin' i'll be okay, pop. i got tired of being played with. she knows where i live and breathe. she's coming after me. i don't know. yeah. somethin'. i don't want to see you, beth. i don't owe you anything; you don't owe me anything. we went to bed -- what was it? -- ten or fifteen times? it wasn't memorable enough to carry any obligations. yeah? well why don't you find some friendly therapist and work some of that hostility out. but take my advice. put a little more life into it than you usually do. how could you let him have my file, beth? you did it for me. get out of here, beth. please? yeah. okay. you think i -- okay. i went after him. i lost my temper. no. home. watching tv. yeah. yeah, i was drinking. a couple days ago. what are you gonna do -- charge me with smoking? no. come on -- i'm going to storm into his office in front of everybody in the afternoon and then that night i'm going to kill him? i'd have to be really dumb to do that. i don't think it's funny. i'll get my stuff tomorrow. beth. thank you. no. i mean it, thank you. she knows stuff about me that only you know. what was she like in school? beth. i didn't mean what i said. about -- did you find out about her parents? you know i'm whacko, sam, what'd you find? thanks. she killed him. catherine tramell. it's part of her game. you don't but it, do you? she knew nobody would but it. she knew i'd say she did it. and she knew nobody would buy it. how exactly did you hear? i don't know about that i don't have any money i don't have any attorneys gus is my only real friend. i like you. yeah. would you like to come up and have a drink? i'm not that easy to figure. don't get too cocky. you can make a mistake. jack daniel's okay? it's gonna have to be. ice? what did you pay nilsen? what if i asked you not to call me shooter? my wife used to call me that. what did bobby vasquez used to call you? there's pepsi in the fridge. where's it going? what do you want from me? what do you want from me, catherine? what's it about? why does he do it? when did you write it? yes. no. i'll risk it. to see if i can get away with it. how's your new book? i'll meet you there. she want to play? fine. i can play. i know what that's like. tell me something, rocki. man-to- man. i think she's the fuck of the century, don't you? how long you been here, rock? you like to watch, do you? 'morning. i think roxy got jealous. maybe she saw something she didn't see before. she's never seen us before. i told her it was the fuck of the century. what did you think? how about roxy? is she a fuck to the century, too? i didn't mean for me -- i meant for you. how's your shoulder? it hurts. are you kidding? you think this is my idea of morning-after conversation? you mean getting inside you isn't going to get me any deeper into your character. i thought that business with the scarf was pretty nifty. i don't have a choice. i know. what is this place? hillbilly heaven? easy there, partner -- i wasn't there. i wasn't there last night, either. i'm not gonna get aids, pop --don't worry about it. i always use a rubber. you oughta use a rubber, pop. you really should. you don't like punk rockers? you feeling better? i'm not afraid of her. i don't know. i'm just not. it doesn't make sense. she didn't know me three months ago. you all right, pop? you want me to drive you? come on, i'll drive you in this thing. it was an accident. i don't think she meant to go off the hill, do you? gus and i talked to her at tramell's house. all we did was write her name down. yeah. but you didn't tell me to stay away from her car. who are you guys gonna sell my file to this time? number one i don't remember how often i used to jack off, but it was a lot. number two i didn't get pissed off at my dad -- even after i was old enough to know what he and mom were doing in the bedroom. number three i don't look in the toilet before i flush it. number four i don't wet the bed and haven't for some time. number five you can go fuck yourselves because i'm out of here. i don't need any help. what is this interest you've got in her? i thought you hardly know her. that means you manipulate people too, doesn't it, beth? you're a practicing psychologist -- that means you're better at it than she is. catherine! catherine! did you like her to watch? no. it's ok. it's ok. do you think she killed johnny boz? maybe she got jealous of johnny boz, too. i thought you didn't do adolescent secrets. we're still playing games, aren't we? no? then tell me about nilsen. try me. when? why? you paid $50,000 for your character? what about the other night. what about last night? was that to get to know your character? i don't know. catherine says you don't like her. he asked if i had an icepick in me yet. i don't believe it. you're my friend, gus. how old was she when this happened? i don't understand what the hell's going on here, pop. i'm not sure anymore she did it. did you check all four years? can you check again? can there be some mistake? fine. thank you. can i talk to you a minute? you like to hang out with murderers or what? did you know roxy -- there was no lisa anderson at berkeley when you were there. henderson. lisa henderson. with an h. you do? it's not gonna take long, sam. bring it up, will you, sam? bring 1976 up. you shouldn't leave your door open. tell me about catherine. what did she tell me, beth? she told me it was you. you wore the same kind of clothes. you dyed your hair blonde. did you know noah goldstein? you saw all the reports, beth! she didn't hand you to me. she doesn't even know who you are. she told me about lisa henderson. why did you change your name? you should do something about this lock. i found lisa henderson. i did, too. she told me it was backwards -- she said you even styled your hair the way she did. no. homicide. san francisco. what do you mean it's not here? catherine told me what was in it. don't you get it, gus? if beth killed johnny boz to frame catherine -- she wouldn't want anyone to know what happened at berkeley. it gives her the motive to kill nilsen. he was i.a. he probably asked her about it. she's a writer -- it's part of what she does. i know what happened. catherine told me what happened. how'd you get in here? you didn't not see me long enough to miss me. no. no. that's below the belt. i have to do some research tomorrow. no thanks. i'm writing a book. a detective. he falls for the wrong girl. they fuck like minks, raise rugrats, and live happily ever after. why not? why? hi, i'm looking for a dr. gardner? yeah. he was shot. what was the weapon? were there ever any suspects? was his wife ever a suspect? routine. do you remember his name? nilsen? was she ever a suspect? what kind of talk? he had a girlfriend? thanks. you did. hi. i missed you. i finished my research. how did it end? what is this -- some kind of. joke? are we playing games again? i'm going with you. gus! put your hands up! put your fucking hands up! don't move. don't! i know about your husband. you still like girls, beth? take your hands out of your pockets! we fuck like minks. we raise rugrats. we live happily ever after. we fuck like minks. we forget the rugrats. we live happily ever after.