obviously abandoned. bare of any furniture save for two wooden chairs next to an empty fireplace. dunbar and nunez shout in surprise as the three men practically collapse into the cabin. dunbar runs to bolt the door against the elements as nunez helps them up. dunbar, kendall, childs, and nunez push through the door to find mueller in his undershirt, a fire burning in the hearth. mue:ller pike and i got separated. then i heard gunfire. close. pike, staggering in through the door. the others get up from where they are sitting - it's been awhile since they arrived. pike shouts at mueller: later. the fury of the storm has increased. kendall, childs, nunez, and mueller, in the kitchen looking for food. dunbar staring open mouthed at pike. shocked. pike sighs, finished with his story. as they tie pike to the, chair. dunbar standing in the cabin; mueller, childs, and pike, dead at his feet. the six men stand in rigid formation, eyes on west. 9: you're not army, are you?