you really heard this? what happened to you- what about pike? mueller stops, as the others turn towards the big man. silence. they realize what the question means. what if it wasn't one of us? what if it was a local- hey! nunez, with his pistol out. trained on pike. let him check your pack. pike stares at them and then throws his pack down, angrily. dunbar goes to it, opens it, and reaches in. pulls his hand out. only two grenades. looks at pike. sadly. why? sir, i wasn't- put it down! a mexican stand-off. the rain continues to fall. you were gonna kill me, pike! thought you were my friend! dunbar, torn. he can't bring himself to shoot, but he can't surrender either. he was gonna kill me too! silence. the two men still facing each other. nunez {cont'd) i snapped mueller's neck! he was my best friend and i had to snap his neck because he was gonna shoot me for drugs! for west! you'll shoot me in the back! if you even twitch. dunbar nods. nunez begins backing away, rifle still trained on him. and then dunbar spies something behind and to the left of nunez. west. staring down at him from behind some brush. watching. nunez, slowly backing away. he pauses as his foot catches on a fallen branch. looks away from dunbar for a split second to step over it. west nods to dunbar as if to say "go on. . . " shut up! look, we won't say anything-