this is totally unnecessary- but this guy you called, he's not even army- he's not army, it's not official- doesn't get any unofficialer than that. the two old friends embrace. you can get us some answers. hardy takes off his sunglasses, noticing her. hostile and uncooperative. you knew sergeant west? sergeant west's served for twenty- three years. he's the public face of the modern army. search parties for the others are fanning out in a ten click radius from the pickup. if they're hurt and we can get to them in time. you and the colonel go back. you're the tom hardy i've been reading about in the papers, right? new orleans pd fired you for taking bribes from guissepe torres. wording and your friendship with the colonel aside, i'm not comfortable having you involved in this. hurricane knocked out our mainframe, so all we have are their dogtags. cadets raymond dunbar and levi kendall- kendall junior is still in surgery, so he won't be available to answer for his name or anything else for another hour - the cadet we're talking to first is dunbar. yes. why? excuse me? that is the most unprofessional- good cop. bad cop? i questioned him for three hours and he didn't make a sound. you don't have a badge, he won't talk to you. hardy, ten bucks says i have him talking in under three minutes. osborne starts the timer on her digital watch. go. the colonel saw you shoot nunez, you're a murderer- baseball? you made me look like an idiot- no- are you saying sergeant west tried to kill you? tell us about the other guys, the ones west weeded out. epilepsy. you really want to make banal chit- chat like that now? we're in the middle of a murder case- what is that? typical army brat story. dad was noncom, mom was a nurse. there was never any real doubt of joining up. something like that. you? you're kidding. i bet that's the second story you tell the girls to get them into bed, after you make them laugh with the first one. hardy just smiles. this is the straight hitting on me you were talking about, isn't it? you do understand that there's absolutely no way i could ever be attracted to you, right? you're off to a late start. imagine what it must have been like for them out there. what do you think of dunbar? what point? hardy doesn't respond, instead looking out as they pass the something wrong? not the happiest of memories? flashcut to - fifteen years ago. a bunch of young cadets, hardy and styles among them, doing forced push-ups by the barracks in the rain as west randomly berates and kicks them. back to hardy - as he looks away and shakes it off. remember, he's the son of a senator, so go easy. kid gloves. we just want- that was kid gloves? but we have to question him- thought you didn't have cigarettes- he couldn't kick you out so he wanted you to quit on your own. he said what? no one else heard it? why? no reply. hardy smiles, understanding. why would he just surrender? kendall turns to her and smiles. nunez was chasing dunbar. but you didn't see it, right? it's too neat. i don't think that has anything to do with- i just. he came back for kendall. i don't think he's capable of murder. look, all we've got is what kendall says, and he didn't actually witness any deaths except nunez. he found west, he saw mueller and pike, but just their bodies - he didn't see any crime committed. he said he worked there- what business? hardy! but he's already gone. i don't know. goddammit, hardy, you can't just leave- you said you owed styles and now you're gonna turn your back on him? hardy whirls on her. you did more than try. you cracked dunbar in less than three minutes, as an investigator you're phenomenal- i was starting to believe you, you know? that you weren't who everyone said. i guess i was wrong- but you will. hardy stares at her. because it's my job. because people are dead. because of the whole honor and duty thing, make a difference in the world, crap like that. we can do this, hardy. two and a half hours. that's all i'm asking. two and a half hours to maybe get the truth. silence. hardy looks back up at her. speaking softly: what? where? what about the phosphorous grenade? mueller was alone in the cabin? at least you and kendall agree on that. yeah. yeah, sure. she goes over to the machine and pours a cup. why didn't you tell us all this in the first place? where's the cabin? talk it through: childs, mueller, and nunez know they're going out on the regular tuesday night drill, hurricane or ho hurricane, so they plan it: kill west, pin it on pike. dunbar. they believe the innocent are guilty and the guilty are innocent. so it's a good plan but it goes wrong; mueller flips out and shoots their fall guy, which means they have to bring dunbar and kendall into the cover story- buttfucks the cabin? so why, after dunbar drags kendall out from under a house, does the senator's son try and get us to put his savior in the gas chamber? little bit. yes, sir, i do. hardy lays a piece of paper on styles' desk. he tried to burn dunbar to us. you don't do that if you're not involved. hardy nods, agreeing. styles stares at them. we know. pike never confessed. fifty minutes. pike never confessed. dunbar says you were. i need to talk to you outside. they got their stories straight. what kendall said - "the type of guys you don't feel comfortable going to sleep around." that's what dunbar said about childs to the letter. positive. hardy, they planned this. she grins. he grins back. not bad for hostile and uncooperative, eh? good idea. you and dunbar got your stories straight. little details, little inconsistencies, designed to bounce us back from one of you to the other, asking questions, killing time, until the transport arrives and whisks you away to where senator daddy can protect you. you think you're just going to slide out of this? you're an accessory to murder, levi, you're going to jail- it doesn't matter, levi. we're going to find those bodies and when we do, i'm going to make sure one of them has a bullet in them that matches your weapon- see, i just take your gun to the morgue and fire it into one of their skulls; then i call every newspaper in the country with the story about how senator kendall's gay son went nuts on a training mission- it will and you know why? because you're not a person anymore, you're a cadet in the united states army; you have no identity, no miranda warning, and no rights. so i'm gonna throw you to the wolves, and unlike you i'm gonna get away with it, because you're pissing me off! she finishes, breathing hard. kendall, totally cowed. hardy, trying to suppress a smile. osborne rises for the door. enjoy your flight to washington- what. silence. kendall takes a deep breath. wrong answer- who killed sergeant west? kendall stares at the recorder. a long pause. who, levi- so you framed him. the same way childs was going to frame pike. kendall nods. crying a little. what happened with nunez? that's how you do good cop. bad cop. hardy smiles and gets up. walking slowly to kendall's bed. get something between his teeth! he's an epileptic! he's a witness! he's trying to say something- you couldn't have known- you wanted to get the truth. you mean the falsely accused? hardy looks up at her and nods. you wanted to break him. so did i. she looks back to the floor. hardy takes a drag from the cigarette, and then tosses that away too. the door opens and styles walks into the room. somber. what happens to dunbar now? your car's in the motor pool. i'll walk you over. they walk in silence, for a bit. so what now? think it'll work? you know, you never told me why you left the army. for what? we were close to something with kendall. no. we're going need a vehicle release. the sergeant nods, walking up with a clipboard. yeah. no, no that was cadet dunbar- so? four- we need to talk to him- we need to talk to him now. hardy grabs dunbar by the arm. let's go have a talk. fuck off. she slams the door and barricades it. turns to hardy. we got maybe three minutes till they break it down. you kept kendall alive to corroborate your story and he did it all they way up to the end. you even gave him his own motive in case we decided to burn him, too. we can prove that you're not ray dunbar. impersonating a fellow cadet is a court-martial in and of itself- how do you know that? hardy, what are you doing- hardy, for chrissakes- you mean the exercise? no bodies, no west. we need to talk- what? this isn't the time- what if i don't want it? that's not true. you're a good man, hardy. far as i'm concerned, whatever you did in the past can stay in the past. hardy stares at her. and because you're a good man, i know you'll do the right thing. hardy looks at her, questioning. osborne takes a deep breath. pike never made it to d.c. somebody took him off the plane before it left. my guess is he's already dead. hardy stares at her. nobody saw. but i don't think so. she puts the papers on the bar. these are the requisitions from the px, the ones used to release the drugs to mueller. west signed half of them - pike was telling the truth. look who signed the other half. she taps the bottom of the paper. hardy, not wanting to believe it. he looks up at her, pained. yeah. i can wait till you're off the base and do it myself. it's west's, isn't it? hardy nods and then turns to look down at styles' body. what are you doing out here? go home, get drunk, and try and forget this ever happened. nah. a word of advice about women - that first hour or so after they kill their boss? probably not the best time to hit on them. yeah. . hardy pulls a card from his pocket and hands it to her. your phone number? he was your friend. hey, hardy! he turns back. she walks up and holds something out to him. a ten dollar bill. i owe you this. he looks down at the money. they got their stories straight. . . they believe the innocent are guilty and the guilty are innocent. you never told me why you got kicked out of.