ummm. it'll be great. we'll live together in peace. what's her name? pancakes. willie mays. who's that? who am i? oh yeah. hey. what do you think? gina? how about those pancakes? i guess you did. can i walk you home? wait, i'm in a band. we're at the mudd club on halloween. i'll put you on the list. i'm clean. smell me. i always smell good. i don't know why, i just do! just come to the mudd club on friday. party girls? can i call you? here, this is for you. i made this. hey, mom. i met the girl i'm gonna marry. i'd like it better in hawaii. "she loves me. oh yeah she loves me! she loooooooves me, oh yeah she loves me!" bring me some chicken, baby! yeah man. i'm jealous. you're always great, benny. "her name is g-i-n-a gina and she lo-oooves me." i did say chicken! i knew i left these somewhere. one of these'll send your kids to college someday. here - i made this for you. we're getting married. she said she could tell i was a great artist - she could see it in my eyes. she said she wanted to be by my side and have inter-racial babies with me. i-is this the s-s-suicide h-h-hotline? jean michel. haitian. i'm going to kill myself. i'm taking pills. reds, blues, greens. life doesn't. make. sense. this city's k-killing me. i want my liquid hijack marlboros! no! i have a boyfriend. he loves me. no, i don't. i'm alone. we all are. especially here. the world's unjust. the respect fools get. the disrespect i get. you don't even know me. i want real respect. fame. my liquid hijack marlboros and the moon and the cow that jumped over it. boom, for real. i thought you hated this place? let's get out of here. why didn't you say so? damn! she's asleep! wanna go get some breakfast? a what? yeah. 'phillips head,' right? you don't have any!!! i didn't know. my name is jean michel basquiat. have you heard of me? i'm a painter, too. i am. on gina. fuck - i didn't think we were actually gonna do this. about what? oh - you mean black people! how long do you think it takes to get really famous? whatever. famous. to where you can do your stuff all day without thinking about anything else. come on. i hate this. i'm no good at it. who's john henry? so then what? like i said - my liquid hijack marlboros. check it out. andy warhol. he's famous and he's not boring. he's the best painter in the world. i'm gonna give him one of these. you wanna buy some ignorant art? ten bucks. yeah. like - stupid, ridiculous, crummy art. ten bucks apiece. you don't even work on your stuff! i can get ten. you made a good deal. here, you can have these, too. i'll be right back. check you later, man. c'mon, baby, i painted them for you. they're beautiful now. i'll buy you some new ones. do you know what he's saying? manzanita. . if one day i die, and you read this piece of paper, i want you to know how much i love you. although i'll never see you again, gypsy, gypsy, your hair, your hair, your face, your face' 'even though you were never mine and you never will be you have a piece of my heart you have, you have, you have' 'gypsy, gypsy, your hair, your hair, your face, your face.' come on in! gina, don't you want any of this? you could use some. what's the matter? you're back. it's not sunday? i missed you. you shouldn't leave me alone. i'm your family. nothing special - just some weed. you want some? for real? yeah. i'll paint on it. i gave it to maripol. she let me stay here for awhile. can you put me in the ring with him? jean michel basquiat. i was a kid then. you look fucking beautiful, beautiful. no. i don't know. you name it, i paint there. you want a drink? i had lunch with him once. which island of hawaii do you want our house to be on? maui? kaui? molokai? oahu, lanai, niihau, kahoolawee - do you wanna marry me? think so? babies. what's wrong with me? when? honk the horn again, will you please? you're late. i ain't john henry. what's your fuckin' problem, anyway? good. what do you have? 'uppity?' like as in 'uppity nigger?' hey fuck you! i deserve this shit. you're just jealous 'cause it ain't happening to you! fuck. i forgot about that. tony bennett. what do you mean? i didn't know tony bennett painted. yes, boss. if you're so smart, why are you here with me in this basement? so what? what time is it? that one's for you. i can't. after the show. hey - it's the big a.m. i don't know. not sure. how was yours? i know. yeah. you like it? y'want me to make it a nice shit brown? hi. this is gina. get a fucking decorator. if you buy one, you'll have to change your whole lives - maybe even sell your kids! these paintings aren't even done yet!!! i'll take three big macs, two chocolate shakes, two orders of fries, and an apple pie. forget it .i'll take six, no, seven chocolate shakes, an order of fries, a big mac, and two apple pies. yeah. and make it three apple pies. i'd like to squeeze your titties. wanna mac? have a mac. oh. i didn't know. i'll take you to the best restaurant in town. you'll miss a great meal and i'll keep the scarf, anyway. what's your name? no name? that's ok. i'll just call you big pink. hi. a present i picked up for you. you look like an angel. andy, man, thanks for coming. i'd like to paint your jacket. yeah, i met her already. hi dad. hi nora. thanks for coming. i'll be right back. which painting? oh yeah. not now, ok? that's alright. i'm cool now. i gotta go. he said 'of the painters!' hey - albert! get in the picture! well. my dad's here with his wife. my mom couldn't make it. i wasn't gonna sell this one. sure, ok. do you think i could borrow your limousine? i'll get it back to you in an hour. i'll make you another one. rene - me? why? that's great. sure. i'd be glad to. what's your name, man? nice to meet you, shenge. want a job? bring him over sometime. i have some other stuff to show him. sure. i hate this. turn that off. decipher? they're just words. where? do you ask miles where he got that note from? where do you take your words from? everywhere. leeches. a long list of leeches. it looks good like that. you mean like an ape? a primate? oh, that's a "leonardo's greatest hits" painting. you like it? i use a lot of colors - not only black. i'm not black. not what? no, i'm haitian-puerto rican. yup. we don't hang them at home, y'know - just in the streets. who said that? no, he said i was the eddie murphy of the art world. he said the eddie murphy. are those the only two possibilities? you wanna french fry? should there be? mmmm. i don't know. i don't remember. can i have some caviar, please? i'd like to taste it, first. is that the best quality you have? i'll take the whole tin. i'll take it. andy, gimme three thousand dollars. just the caviar - i'll get the rest. you check everyone's bills or just mine? i wish they'd quit writing this shit about me. everybody's paying top dollar for scraps of paper, refrigerator doors - anything with a samo tag on it. the other day, i just wanted a pack of cigarettes, so i did a drawing and sold it for two bucks. a week later this gallery calls me up: "somebody's offering us the drawing. should we buy it for five thousand?" yeah - i'd do that. you could teach me. cool. let's leave this town and go someplace. ouch. that girl looks just like my old girlfriend gina. yeah. i really blew it. i still think about her. hey george, what's up? he's not. he's out of town and he calls me every day. what's weird about him? why does everybody say that? he's the only person i know who doesn't need to use me. chateau latour '64, please. how is he? wow. congratulations. i hate that asshole. thanks for coming. i guess i just wanted to find out how you're - forget it. george? see that table over there? i'd like to pay their bill. yeah, just put their bill on my tab. yeah. baby, i think about you a lot. i'm really sorry about everything. you have to believe me. i'm serious. i wish, y'know, that we were - i wish you niggahs could get it togeth- ahhhhhh. the tip. what's his name? i have to go to the bathroom. what do you think? it's always how you would do it. this is my version. why, so you could humiliate me? what's with the wigs? you think those are good presents? who wants an old wig? piss painting? how come you're not peeing on them yourself? if you ever want me to shit on 'em, just ask. you could finger paint. we can do better. it needed more white. i don't even have any friends anymore besides you. and everyone says "warhol? people are only interested in you because you're famous, not because they know a fuckin' thing about your work. when i was poor, everybody doubted i could make it. when i got rich, everyone said, `yeah, but he'll never keep it up.' now everyone says `he's killing himself.' so i clean up, and then they say `look. his art's dead.' i don't take drugs, anyway. i'm healthy now. that's better. after the show we should take a nice long vacation. maybe go to hawaii. that's what name? number? name? number? yo, frank. i don't think so. boom. that ain't ignorant - that's just stupid. can i get you a bowl of gumbo? hey, rene. here. pull over. what's up? that's mine. there you go. now it's worth more. i'm samo. i'm samo. paint it out. yeah. maybe just his arms. still not here. yeah. use your fucking instinct. don't try to make art. just paint like a housepainter. why don't you try letting her in, steve - i mean shenge. wanna bet? if you show too much respect for people with money, they don't have respect for you. fine. it's unfinished. how 'bout some blue in the corner? what's wrong with you today? don't look at me like that. it hurts my feelings. well, that's better. you can buy direct from me. i need a dealer. naa. see ya in an hour. so what do you think? i'm here. do you ever get sick of it? the whole thing - painting. what about the shit they write? i haven't felt like talking to him since that thing came out. hi. you like your dad's paintings? stand still. see you later. b.b. it's me - jean! what's the matter? no snow in switzerland this year? what do you mean? hello? gina? hey, come here! please. just for a second. open the door. open up! open up! my mother's inside. i'm not here to visit. i wanna take her home. willie mays. nice to see you. how's gina? you guys getting along? i guess it was a long time ago. me fall? let's get some drugs! medicine, man! like health food. i'm taking care of my health! just ring it up. i don't need a bag. try this tabouli - it's great. my mom told me this. or was it a dream? there was this little prince with a magic crown. an evil warlock kidnapped him, locked him in a cell in a huge tower and took away his voice. there was a window made of bars. the prince would smash his head against the bars hoping that someone would hear the sound and find him. the crown made the most beautiful sound that anyone ever heard. you could hear the ringing for miles. it was so beautiful, that people wanted to grab the air. they never found the prince. he never got out of the room. but the sound he made filled everything up with beauty. it's definitely time to get out of here. hawaii? fuck hawaii. let's go to ireland. we'll stop in every bar and have a drink.