hey - willie mays. the devil, man. rene ricard. art critic - writes for artforum. people read him. tell him who you are. willie mays. catch you later. would you shut the fuck up? you hear what i'm doing? thanks. your dad called again - something about a job. you got a date already? g'night. see you in court tomorrow. come on, jean. get rid of your cigarette. concentrate. concentrate on the ball. shoot. you're shattering all my myths. your people. for a musician or a painter? ummm. four years. six to get rich. first, you have to dress right. then, you have to hang out all the time - with famous people - the right people, the right chicks, the right parties. and you gotta do your work all the time when you're not doing that. the same kinda work, the same style - over and over again, so people recognize it and don't get confused. then, once you're famous, you have to keep doing it the same way, even after it's boring - unless you want people to really get mad at you - which they will anyway. famous people are usually pretty stupid. you're too smart. you'd get bored to death. you don't wanna be like john henry - fighting the machine. just do what you do. it's about integrity. follow your heart. oh man! folklore guy - worked on the railroad. y'know, pounding in spikes and laying down track. then one day they invented a machine to do it. and he says "fuck that, i'm a man" and he challenges the machine to a race to lay down a mile of track. it takes two days. neck and neck the whole time. they get right to the end, and he beats it by one spike. he drops dead! see? just do your shit like you do it! your friends like you, you get laid, everyone walks by, sees your stuff everywhere. it's good. what else do you want? what're you doing? you're doing something. don't give him anything, man. your art's worth a lot. trade. that's what real artists do with each other. besides, he'll just use you. he's famous for that. hi gina. willie mays!!! willie mays!!! we got beat. you gonna carry that around all night? what's the rush, john henry? good. i don't really have any problems. what's your fuckin' problem? you get a girlfriend and a little attention and then start acting all uppity with me. that's not how i meant it. for all you know, you might just be a flash in the pan! you can never tell. willie mays. a toast. willie mays. she's good. come on, let's get out of here. sit down! you're gonna fall out! drugs??!