sir? -- master bruce?? i took the liberty of preparing tea. i take it you've been watching the news? i should inform you. christmas is approaching, and we've received our annual solicitation from the fireman's toy fund. if i may inquire? most ingenious, sir. what exactly it? to the untrained eye, sir, it looks remarkably like. the skeleton of an umbrella. splendid, sir, and if i may say, i'm glad you're putting your time to such productive use. now -- the toy fund. our contribution last year was a half-million dollars. then there's the foster-parents program. the gotham homeless crusade. miss vale, sir? he won't hear a word of it from me. i find you can't go wrong with surveillance equipment. let me put this under the tree. why, miss vale -- ! i'm afraid so, miss vale. master bruce is sequestered in the cave. ah, the public. dishearteningly fickle. the fluegelheim called again, sir. they want to know if you'll be attending the opening of the new egyptian exhibit. who's there? mr. wayne will see you, sir. commissioner gordon called. he wants to install a full contingent of police guards here at the manor -- in round-the-clock shifts -- to protect you from batman. i told him that since you were batman, you'd require no protection from batman. in future, sir. i strongly advise against trying to fly off twenty-story buildings. one bruise, sir. which covers your entire body. i shouldn't worry overmuch. i doubt the two of you move in the same circles. sir -- such outmoded sexist attitudes are quite unbecoming. the police have no files whatsoever on selina kyle. what exactly are you -- you mean she's some sort of -- collector? a. cat burglar, or -- raven, sir? how very odd. i'm sure it's nothing, but -- your father had a raven, sir. a small statue of the very sort you describe. it used to sit on his desk. after your father's. demise, mr. tiptree came to the house and asked if he could have it. as a keepsake. i saw no harm. that was thirty years ago. george tiptree. your friend elliott's father. thank you, yes, everything's fine. i'll expect your next call in an hour. the police are becoming an awful nuisance. i realized long ago -- that there are places in mr. wayne's heart which no one will ever penetrate -- or share. he loves you, miss vale. but in certain ways he will always be alone. i see, sir. when shall we expect you back? the subway, sir? how do you propose to get down there, sir? we can't have batman strolling up to buy a token. what do you propose to do with him, sir? keep him in the room for the rest of his life? the child is hurt, sir. at the very least we should attempt to locate his parents. how do you know that, sir? sir -- it's miss kyle. is this necessary, sir? after all. it is christmas eve. i don't like to see you going out on a date. unprotected, sir. everything's fine, thank you. we'll talk in an hour. mr. wayne. is he -- ? you're no more than a common thief. i. don't. know. i think you're a dirty little man with a -- thank you, master dick. and. bravo. don't be absurd. you'll never be able to get it out of here.