i'm not deaf, alfred. i hear you. yeah. lot of crazy people in this world. oh, yeah. watch this. what does it look like? good guess, alfred. that's exactly right. we can do better than that. yeah. the holidays, i guess. always gets me thinking about. and to tell you the truth, i'm a little -- concerned about vicki. yeah. i've been thinking about it lately. thinking about it a lot. . and i still can't figure out what to get her for christmas. what'd you get me? kareem abdul-jabbar? -- yeah. -- yeah. i guess i'll pass on dessert. sure. comes off the top of my taxes -- -- what i "do" doesn't come close to the root of the problem, vicki. i'm just a band-aid. randall. you remember vicki. -- how's the construction business? i'll think about it. i've known him since he was seven years old. he was a pig then too. what, tie him up with a bat-rope? nice outfit. ladies and gentlemen. i've been framed. my illustrious great-grandfather. think it's the same kid we heard about? -- you work for this rag? your boss is calling for gordon's resignation -- unless he brings batman in for questioning. i need a good pr man. hey, it wasn't me, remember? i am rich and powerful -- quiet. i'm looking for a personal ad. it's her. that cat woman, or whatever she is. "i jumped a bus into gotham park hoping you'd follow, but you were too shy" she's trying to contact me. says she's gonna leave me another ad. cancel. well, alfred, it's official. i'm a wanted man. "new evidence". i've gotta find that woman. did you check the personals? i saw them occasionally. we all sat on the board of the fluegelheim. no. i never liked the way they did business. then batman is behind all this. well. he's changed tactics, hasn't he. you mean he's going after. the root of the problem. changed my mind, alfred. i'll be dropping in on the fluegelheim after all. i just had a weird sense of deja vu. good to see you two. looks like the five families are suddenly down to three. in fact, if somebody dropped a bomb on this room right now -- not at all. commissioner gordon seems to think we should all be hiring bodyguards. thing is, i can't imagine why batman would be after us. can you? i can't imagine why. they're proccupied. this string of murders -- i think we've already met. -- this is quite an expedition you've put together. sorry to disappoint you. what? no. come on. what? oh. selina kyle -- my friend vicki vale. selina supervised the reconstruction of the temple. brought it back from egypt. stone by stone. pull in the claws, okay? she's really terrific. wait. let me explain about vicki -- relax, okay? i like you better. what have we got here? you're in a gruesome line of work. this one i know. it's a gryphon, right? poor guy. birds and cats -- you wouldn't think the two halves would cooperate. what was it you wanted to talk to me about? no. what are you attracted to? how? is there a cat in here? yeah, cats. ever since i was a kid. look, i'd better get some fresh air. maybe another time, okay. great. what'd you tell him? jesus, alfred -- !! it's just a few bruises. i'm getting too old for this line of work. cops placed me at the scene of the crime -- that weird kid of vicki's saw my face -- -- and i got the living shit knocked out of me by a woman. selina. what are you doing here? you heard about harry provost. same here. not bad. sarawak warrior caste. london. cairo. belgium. her credit card records. every major art theft in the last five years -- she's been on the scene or close to it. could be. museum curator, authenticator -- she's got the perfect cover for it. what would she want with that stupid raven? that's what the catwoman took from provost. a little raven statuette, about so big. but it couldn't have been that valuable. what, alfred? what happened to it? wait a minute. mr. tiptree? what are you looking for -- batarangs? i brought you a christmas present. sorry about the wrapping -- the police made me open it. i think you may have something that belonged to my father. what are you talking about? who? it's time you told me what's going on here. whose fortune? the five families. -- that they were the ones behind the robbery? so they stole his piece of the puzzle. that doesn't matter. if he knew that his fortune was based on a crime -- a crime against the city. reputation or not, he would've tried to -- thanks for the testimonial. tiptree's planning some kind of rendezvous with 'batman.' i think batman ought to be there when it happens. get your cap. you're driving. according to this, he's directly below us. yeah. take a right. he's slowed down. looks like he's under the park. i know another way in. step on it. they're down there waiting for him. i can make you. i don't know, alfred. i've got other stuff to worry about. he hasn't got any parents. i know. stuff'll knock out a moose, much less a cat. she'll be ready for batman -- but not for me. it's the only way, alfred. i've got to take her out tonight. christmas eve. no tree? i'm surprised you kept this date. i thought you would've lost interest by now. you've got what you want, don't you? how much is it going to cost me? to get the ravens back. what di-- what did you d-- library -- got to get me to the library -- alfred. i can't. get down there. without you. -- as soon as he gets to the east wing. wait for my signal. you know what to do. he saved all our lives, jim. i can't say for sure, but i'd bet she's the one behind the murders. oh, that's vicki's little cousin. he's in town for the holidays. i dunno. might be a good start on a place to live -- for some people who don't have one. yeah. maybe you should -- open your present. you might as well.