some people just can't take discipline. go ahead. finish 'em off. you might as well. you're going to get blamed for it anyway. oh, come on, angel. you know you want to. besides -- i want to see how you do it! my, aren't we frisky tonight. i should tell you -- i've got nine lives to play with -- and you've only got one. did i tell you i invited company? -- keep 'em busy, angel, i've gotta scat. ooh. where have you been all my life? nevermore. nevermore! cute, huh! i think it'll look nice over the fireplace. maybe you can drop by and see it sometime. i hope you won't think i'm too. aggressive or anything, but i find you very attractive. mice, really. it's disgusting -- they beg you to walk all over them and then they whine when you do it. once you've had your fun there's not much you can do but kill them. but you seem different. i mean, you obviously understand about dressing up. that saves a lot of explaining. i think people should indulge their fantasies, don't you? so i think i'll let you live. cute boys like you are hard to find. 'bye, angel. i'll be thinking about you. gee. i'm so fickle. that idiot. another six feet -- what?? give me a hand! god. did you see him? isn't he hot? no pain, no gain! -- suck it up. we're not out of here yet. what happens now? no. it's a map. i can't move. i can't move. come on. don't stop now. finish me off. son of a bitch. you're all alike.