after a high-speed chase -- over $750,000 in precious jewels were recovered intact by the police force -- working in concert with batman. i would like to stress -- that while this city enjoys a special relationship with batman -- -- we do not condone vigilantism -- what's that he keeps saying? nonsense. that dock looked like a slaughter-house. batman's never committed murder. i'd like to know how thirty kilos of pure cocaine wound up concealed in your personal effects. book the son of a bitch. before we forget, batman's saved hundreds of lives! oh god. jim gordon, alfred. i've got to see bruce. sorry to bother you. bruce -- i'll get right down to it. you knew shaw and barrett -- did you have any. dealings with them, or -- the thing is, bruce, you're all lumped together in the public mind -- the five families of gotham, that sort of thing -- and, uh. harrison provost got this in the mail. batman or a damned good imitation. shaw, with his high-rises -- barrett, a druglord, major polluter -- they weren't exactly model citizens. who knows, it could be some crazy social-conscience kind of thing. let me know if you get one of these. we'll put all our resources at your disposal. anything suspicious! have it analyzed. sorry, folks, but we'd better move along. as safe as we can make 'em. it would help if you could give us some small hint what this is all about. you have no idea what was in that box that provost had delivered from the bank. and then batman showed up? god -- i pray you're right. one thing before we go, bruce. who's the kid? well, he picked a hell of a time to visit. merry christmas, bruce. good luck cleaning this place up.