sweat beads up on provost's lip as the guard hits the up button and the car begins to rise. suddenly, the lights go out. the car stops with a lurch. pitch black. pre-verbal groans and murmurings of fear issue from the darkness. an eerie red light kicks on -- the emergency generators -- and we see provost backed up in a corner of the car, twitching and jumping like a crazed spastic. the guard, in a futile effort to placate him, points up at the light: the car stops again. provost is totally losing it. the exasperated guard grabs him and shakes him. the bottom half of the guard dangles from the ceiling. provost still has his arms wrapped around the guard's knees. all at once, the guard begins to scream -- his body jerks and his legs kick wildly. still provost struggles to hang on -- even as blood spatters across the top of his bald dome. provost looks over his shoulder and sees the aforementioned cord descending through the trap door. a shrill whine emanates from the receiver. all at once, the elevator car is full of birds -- squawking wildly, flinging themselves against the wall, going insane in the tiny confined space.