close the door. your story isn't news. with shaw dead -- there's a psycho out there in a mask and cape -- killing off gotham's most prominent citizens! that's news. i've known randall shaw all my life. his family is in mourning. and it just so happens i don't believe in slandering the dead. vicki. i'm going to forget you made that remark. for the sake of your job, i suggest you do the same. is that your idea of a joke, bruce? selina kyle -- bruce wayne. don't worry about that. i've had the office swept for bugs. no one's listening. who knows and who cares. the point is, it's happened. i'll tell you how to reach me. and don't repeat this to anyone. open this in an hour. phone my wife and tell her where to meet me. no trouble on the way, i take it? no -- my private elevator. it's safer. what is it?? what's happening?? it's going down. we're going down!!! w-who is this?? yes -- yes, i see it -- who are you?? why are you doing this??