well. "ricky," is it? i heard you on the phone. talking to your girlfriend. if you've got time for a little pleasure . maybe you'd like to buy me a drink. why wouldn't they be? oh, they're real, all right. so are these. at last we meet. -- pigeons? i've located the others. all but one. i'm surprised you don't catch pneumonia -- ! i see why they call you the penguin. i find that the old methods work best. you're very inquisitive. you'll just have to be disciplined. i think people should indulge their fantasies. don't you? you try it, i'll do the same to you. i saw him, you know. batman. he was dreamy. he stood on a roof and watched me. he didn't realize i'd seen him. i don't think he knew quite what to make of me. but he was definitely interested. money isn't everything. what's the point if we can't enjoy ourselves? you two look like you need a drink. -- and is this who i think it is? our absentee board member! i've been wanting to meet you forever. you two won't be terribly upset if i borrow bruce for a moment, will you? tax year's almost over, you know. i hope we can count on your usual generous donation. someone's got to set an example for those two tightwads. i asked them if they'd consider including us in their wills. they didn't seem a bit amused. -- and this is my good friend bastet, the egyptian cat goddess. i'm glad you think so. i have to say, bruce -- you're not at all what i expected. oh, it's not that. not at all. it's just that i'd always heard you were. oh. sort of a. the photographer. i've seen your pictures in the gazette. oh, that's right. the tabloid one. -- what an original dress! it was easy. i slept with the pharoah. i'm sorry, bruce. sometimes i get a little. aggressive, you know? look, i need to talk to you. come by sometime. i'll give you the private tour. i understand. anyone who's that protective must have a pretty good reason for it. he's just another rich idiot. the odd thing is, he didn't seem a bit concerned. he lives in some big sprawling manor. i'll have to get inside, scope it out. see where he's got the raven stashed. how do you think! mummified cats. bastet's sacred animal. they were buried by the thousands at bubastis. -- oh, careful! keeps me interested. and that's not easy to do. very good. a mythical demon, half-bird, half-lion. sweeping down from the sky to deliver retribution and justice. only under certain circumstances. i'm really glad you came, bruce. i was afraid i'd given you the wrong impression. or maybe it was the right impression. your collection. i'd love to see it. i mean, everyone says you've got a fabulous -- it must be strange. having all that power, and money -- never really knowing if that's what people are attracted to. i think you're a little bit nuts. i think you're a little -- bored with your life. having everything you want. no variety, no. danger. and every once in a while you need to take a risk. shake it all up. maybe by. coming here today. are you okay? poor thing. you're allergic! english accents are so stimulating. you have the most beautiful silver hair! i wanted to see your things, remember? and i got tired of waiting for you to call me back. he's adorable. how long have you had him? it's incredibly awful. it got me a little worried. i hate to think of something happening to you. it's odd, though. danger, the thought of suddenly dying -- in a weird way it gets you sort of. aroused. don't you think? bruce, this is incredible. malaysian -- ? it's like -- everything in here is another little piece of your mind. i was right about you. promise, okay? promise you'll show me every inch of this place. well! tall, dark and handsome. are we still on for tonight? you're early. i'm afraid i'm not quite dressed. no presents. i've been a bad girl this year. what makes you say that? i do now. we've had this date for a long, long time. what? you're the oddest man i've ever met. let's talk later, bruce. i've got kind of a short fuse. did i hurt you? just relax -- you'll start to enjoy it. i guess i've. gotten under your skin. first-time jitters, i guess. everything was going great, and then. he just went limp as a noodle. wait! we don't know how to get down there yet. we may need her when bruce wakes up. hey! -- guess what i just found. you know, i've got a great recipe for sliced bitch -- i love a good old-fashioned catfight -- but this is pissing me off. here, kitty kitty kitty. here, kitty kitty. so this is where you earn your keep. mmm! frederick's of gotham? not so loud, honey! the neighbors'll get the wrong idea. santa's coming. time for all good girls to go to sleep. okay -- let's do it, huh? you and me. all the way this time. it could've been so nice -- you and me -- if only you weren't so screwed up. tell me something -- one thing. if you don't enjoy all this. why do you do it?