harrison -- we really ought to warn bruce. we owe him that much. selina's the new curator of antiquities. she brought the temple over block by block -- it's just so -- unfair. i mean. it was over a century ago. it's not like we're responsible. how could he know? how could batman know about the raven society?? don't worry. i'll bring 'em up with me. we'll open 'em when i get there. they'll be safe, won't they? i told you. i. hello? not today, andy. let's talk after new year's. bruce! come on up. i want to talk to mr. wayne alone. i'm afraid i don't have anything for you. -- you know? batman. i don't know how he found out, but -- didn't you ever wonder where it came from, bruce? all the privilege, all the power . all the money? the ravens are a. a kind of map, bruce. the key to an incredibly vast fortune. gotham city's. in 1880 the gotham city treasury was looted. it was a fantastic operation -- perfect military precision. the robbers made off with milllons in gold and silver bullion. the city was going under. bankrupt. until five rich men stepped in to bail it out. in exchange they took the land rights, the mineral rights, the service contracts -- our ancestors. they bought gotham city -- carved it up and ran it into the ground. in five years they were rich beyond imagining. we've just been following in their footsteps. and in all this time no one's ever suspected -- they had five ravens made. five ravens which -- combined -- would reveal the location of the treasure they'd stolen. but they never touched it. they never needed to. it's still there to this day. the ravens, and the secret -- have been passed down through generations. father to son. your father -- died before he could tell you. yeah. i've got it, bruce, and i'm going to hand it over. he's right, you know. we've all been feeding -- feeding on the soul of gotham. it wasn't his doing, bruce. it was -- christ, bruce! do you want me to spell it out for you?!? they killed him. to protect their secret . and now the bill's come due. now the bill's come due. i've cooperated. i've done everything you said. the other one is bruce wayne's. he doesn't know anything about this. you've got what you want. there's no need to -- my family. you won't -- we -- ?!? you're not batman.