guess what, alfred. i think i found a present for bruce. he's such a nightmare to shop for. -- what do you get him year after year, alfred? not so fast. don't look. it's your present. i'm going to give you the happiest christmas you've ever had. homeless. i was just down here tuesday. seems like there's more every day. they're already razing the tenements and sro's downtown. these people don't have anyplace else to go. if the city starts selling off the park. bruce, you do a lot more than most people even dream of. that's not what i meant. what a pig. now he wants to gobble up the park. bruce -- isn't there something you can do about people like that? no, you idiot. i meant you. bruce. i'd sure like to know what shook him up so. he was out of there like a scared rabbit. seen the late edition? please, just one. it's important for people to see what's happening. wait! don't be afraid. i wanted to thank you. i -- what? who are you? six-on-one, and he took 'em all out. then vanished into a drainage pipe -- right next to the statue of general wayne. must be. he reminded me of you. that's what happens when you go after the rich and powerful. maybe it's almost. good. in a weird way. i mean, shaw, and barrett -- if people like that were really scared, maybe they'd -- is this some kind of bad joke? what does she want -- a date? why did you kill my story? but the project's still going ahead! if attacking homeless people in the park isn't news, i'd like to know what is -- mr. provost -- how much money do you have tied up in the park tower project? what is it? the globe. really. she must be awfully tired. how'd you get to be in charge of a huge project like this? how's "business"? if you're looking for your fellow millionaires, they left some time back. i feel so awful for him, alfred. there must be something we can do. no, no -- don't try to get up -- you're hurt. it's "dick", isn't it? or do you prefer "richard"? "r" -- for richard, right? see, all your things are here. what is it, some kind of gymnast's outfit? no, not that kind. there's a swimming pool -- tennis court -- you can have anything you want. ohh. am i glad to -- what did you do to him?? i don't know what you're talking about. shut up. help me with him. come on. we'll be safe in the cave. come on. come with us. what are you going to do with all that gold? it's christmas. oh, bruce, presents doesn't matter. none of it matters. we're all safe. we're together.