do call if you're going to be late for dinner, sir. drive carefully, master wing. how, indeed? perhaps the truth is you don't really trust anyone. despite all your talents, you are still a novice in the ways of family. dick follows the same ends as you but gets there by his own course. you must learn to trust him. for that is the nature of family. but i shan't be here forever. good night, master bruce. still unable to reach you. have vital information you must see. i must have dozed off. my sincerest apologies, sir. ten years. barbara isn't really me niece, sir. she's joanna clark's daughter. joanna and i were in love in london. but when i realized our age difference was too extreme - eventually she married a young physician. secrets are a virtual prerequisite in this house, don't you think? you certainly will not. there's a lovely inn just down -- oh, but, sir. so much goes on- i didn't know sneaking around was on the curriculum at oxbridge. you came to tuck me in. that's quite a switch. i am looking for my brother, wilfred. he is first butler to the maharajah of mirajanpore. but mirajanpore is a floating court, it travels across india, so wilfred can be rather difficult to find. i have been trying to reach wilfred with no success. as one grows older, one yearns for family. as i've missed you. sleep well, child. i have tried every address i know for you. i am praying this reaches you. we have very little time. congratulations on your apprehension of mr. freeze. batman monopolized the evening news. is there something wrong, sir? why, yes, actually. death and chance stole your parents. but rather than become a victim, you have done everything in your power to control the fates. for what is batman if not an effort to master the chaos that sweeps our world, an attempt to control death itself. no, my boy. i'm afraid none of us can. i am as well as can be expected. i've seen the best doctors--! a gentleman does not discuss his health. it's not civilized. i hope i've taught you at least that much, young man. attending to heroes? no sir. my only regret is that i was never able to be out there with you. yes? everyone dies, master bruce. there's no defeat in that. victory comes in fighting for what we know is right while we still live. remember this. and remember it always. i'm proud of you. and i love you too, son. too late for what, dear child? i have been part of the greatest adventure ever know. i have found purpose here, and the family i could never have. you must do something for me. find my brother wilfred. give him this. i have duties he must fulfill in my stead. only family can be trusted. it is the hearts of two good men whom i have had the honor of calling son. take it, child. but i implore you, never open it. you look so like your mother. right here, sir. i anticipated a moment might arrive where i became. incapacitated. as such, i programmed my brain algorithms into the batcomputer and created a virtual simulation. what seems to be the problem? that, sir, does not compute. specify, please. coming on line now, sir. advanced botany. dna splicing. recombinant animal plant patterns. pheromone extractions. glandular secretions from animals. scents that create powerful emotions. fear. rage. it appears, sir, that someone has stolen the batsignal. in spirit only, i'm afraid. your mother would be proud. forgive my being personal, dear girl, but i must know your size. rather disappointed at how poorly i taught you proper housekeeping. and quite well, it seems. thanks to you, son. thanks to you all. we're going to need a bigger cave.