i'm so sorry to trouble you, but- uncle alfred? how long has it been, uncle alfred? uncle alfred left for america. much to my mother's dismay - my parents were killed in an auto accident ten years ago. alfred has been supporting me ever since. i'm on break from- their new computer sciences division. how did you know? what is it? it's beautiful. oh no, those things frighten me. all this luxury really isn't my style but- i'd love to stay. i'm sorry, uncle, i came to tuck you in. and. i guess they don't have fax machines on elephants. it's good to see you again, uncle. i've missed you. oh. i'm so sorry. i'd just never seen anything like it. so massive. i took it out for a spin. i do so hope i didn't inconvenience you. ah yes, the outfit. for a. costume party. just trying it out. one never knows how leather will wear. judo lessons at school, you know. all the rage, really. i suppose they've taken better than i thought. again, my greatest of pardons. what's the entry fee? folks call me three-jump. how about a side bet? i could have made it, you know. i didn't need your help. this is to replace the bike i lost. i'll get you the rest. of course, dick grayson, ward of the fabulously wealthy bruce wayne. why would you need a few hundred dollars? i guess, the truth is i'm just not comfortable with the idle rich. even when they try to act like heroes. i started racing after my parents died. there was something about the speed, the danger, that took me out of myself, that made the hurt go away. you wouldn't understand. street racing isn't exactly an acceptable major at oxbridge. they kicked me out. it doesn't matter. i've won enough money to do what i've always dreamed. alfred has supported me my whole life. now i'm going to pay him back. i'm going to liberate him from his dismal life of servitude. servants, masters, it's ridiculous. alfred is the sweetest, most noble man alive and he's subjugated all his life and dreams to someone else. paying someone to prepare your meals and do your laundry and clean your dishes, you call that family? happy. you honestly don't know, do you? you can't even see what's in front of your own eyes. look at his skin. at how he's hiding the pain all the time. can't you see it? alfred's sick. i'm sorry. i was too late. i came to give you your freedom, a chance to live the life you choose. the same gift you gave me. what is it? uncle alfred? only family can be trusted? perhaps you didn't give me your genes. but you gave me your heart. this better be one hell of a secret. oh my god. uncle alfred? the boys need help. hey, i'm the one who kicked ivy's botanical butt. personally. me. i did. partners?