nice suit. and today you are? this is all about fashion for you, isn't it? ten police cruisers frozen solid on the gotham expressway . . . mr. freeze. the new antiquities exhibit. the second sun of the sudan. no, robin. he's going to jail. didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with guns? you get the ice. i'll get the iceman. stop the insanity. you were a great scientist once. don't squander your genius on evil. freeze, you're mad. this capsule will slaughter thousands. i thought you were going to stay in the museum and round up the thugs. when we get home, we're having a little communication workshop. got to make sure this rocket doesn't turn gotham into a crater. watch the first step. wind. he'll be here. one million - - you don't have two million. three million - - five million - - you have eleven minutes to thaw those guests, commissioner. pull back. you can't make the jump. redbird control codes. disable engine. i'm putting you on ice. you could have splattered your brains on the side of the building. trust you? you can't even keep your head on the job. all you could think about was poison ivy. i know. the feeling just vanished. bad, yes. guy, no. this is one majorly beautiful evil person. me too. great stems, though. definitely. open sesame. chicken. she's still alive. he's adapted his freezing technology to reverse mcgregor's syndrome. he's even found a cure for the early stages of the disease. no. her case is too advanced. but maybe, someday, with more research- no beauty. why do all the gorgeous ones have to be homicidal maniacs? is it me? i should have brought my leash. you're going to jail. remember the victim at the airport. toxins introduced through the mouth. why is she so desperate to kiss us? i'm betting her lips are poison. damn. that's not awfully pc. how about batwoman? batperson? she knows who we are. kill her later. we've got work to do. attack plan alpha. don't sink and drive. we have eleven minutes to stop freeze and thaw the city. let's do this the old-fashioned way. no sign of the snowman. sunlight could reverse the freezing process. here. if we could relay the sunlight- i'll set the telescope. you two thaw the mirrors. who ever thought aunt harriet's typing lessons would lead to this? millions will die so you can save on air conditioning. isn't that taking self help a little too far? you've turned gotham to ice. you've endangered countless lives. it's payback time. nice to meet you. can you give me any more height on this thing? you're loosing your cool grab my belt and hang on. this is your stop. don't make me kill you in front of the girl. theoretically, the satellites could be positioned to thaw the city directly. but it would take a computer genius. i didn't kill your wife. run ivy evidence tape 001.40. but she's not dead, victor. we found her, restored her icy slumber. she's still frozen, victor, alive, waiting for you to find a cure. i know what it's like to lose everything you've ever loved. but vengeance isn't power. any two-bit thug with a gun can take a life. to give life, that's true power, a power you once had. i don't know if you'll ever find a cure for your wife. but i'm asking you now, doctor victor fries, to save another life. show me how to cure mcgregor's syndrome stage one. and maybe you can also save the man your wife once loved. he's still inside you, buried somewhere deep beneath the snow. will you help me? doctor? all we can do now is wait. and hope.