the iceman cometh. i'm afraid my condition has left me cold to your pleas of mercy. copsicle. in this universe, there is only one absolute. everything. freezes. bat on ice, anyone? you're not sending me to the cooler. grab the gem. kill the heroes. caution. bridge may ice over. what killed the dinosaurs? the ice age. hit me boys. thanks for playing. nice of you to drop in. i hate being lectured. watch the numbers, batman. for they are the harbingers of your doom. can you feel it coming? the icy cold of space. at 30,000 feet your heart will freeze and beat no more. after you have frozen, your icy tomb will plummet back to gotham. ain't it grand? freeze well. your emotions make you weak. that is why this day is mine. stay cool, bats. i find that unlikely. to be frozen. to never change. a life of perpetual ice-olation. there is little perfection in that. you're skating on thin ice. my passion thaws for my bride alone. hop away little bunny. before i cool your jets. permanently. i wonder how cold i can get my shower. frosty! everyone is always having a good time. except me. try as i might, can find no pleasure. perhaps my heart truly has turned to ice. well, that was fun. there's hope for me yet. do you think i'm mad, frosty? battling the bat exhausted my power. but i was successful nevertheless. one more giant diamond of this size and my freezing cannon will be complete. i will hold gotham ransom. unless the city bows to my demands, it's winter forever here in goat-town. the city fathers will have no choice but to give me the billions i need to complete my research, to find the cure for. leave us. we need quality time. soon we will be together once more. nothing frustrates a man like a frigid wife. maybe this time, this new formula, will return you to me. no cure tonight, my love. forgive me. but soon, i promise you. soon. i hate it when people talk during the movie. one more diamond, my love. one more. did i use the wrong door again? i should have been a decorator. let me guess, plant girl? vine lady? ms. moss? i'd love to stand here all day and exchange fashion tips but i'm kind of pressed for time. so hand over the diamond, garden gal, or i turn you into mulch. pheromone dust. designed to heat a man's blood. doesn't work on the cold hearted. now, if you please. clever little clover. that's my exit cue. it's a cold town. uh-oh. allow me to break the ice. my name is freeze. learn it well for it is the chilling sound of your doom. i'm afraid not. you see the means of my liberation is in your hands. sadly, you will not live to see it. sister? impressive an enticing offer. but what does the lady want in return? ah, a laundry service that delivers. i always go a size smaller. makes me look slimmer. they've confiscated my generator diamonds. i'm running on empty. no gun. how disarming. dear daisy, don't despair. always winterize your pipes. you'll hate prison more. my reserves are exhausted. i must have the gems that power my suit. in my weakened state i am no match for the bat and the bird. fine. while i retrieve my diamonds, you and meatloaf will bring my wife to your lair. she's frozen in - you will rescue my wife i hate uninvited guests. why don't you boys slip into something more comfortable? stick around. ahh. chilled to perfection. superman, eat your heart out. all right coppers, freeze. where is my wife? you lie! their bones will turn to ice. their blood will freeze in my hands. yes. i shall replay the world for sentencing me to a life without the warmth of human comfort. i will blanket the city in endless winter. first gotham and then the world. adam and evil. you will distract the bat and bird while i prepare to freeze gotham. that is far too merciful. batman will watch his beloved gotham perish, then i will kill him. one kiss and you could lift the mask from his lifeless face. their secret identities would be revealed. but how best to bait a brid? inspired, ms. ivy. bundle up boys. there's a storm coming. no matter what they tell you, it's the size of your gun that counts. hi. sorry about the door. is the party over? that's mr. nutball to you. half a set of bookends. you. go like this. no. move your hands up. higher. now a hint more fear. excellent. a matched pair. sometimes i exceed even my wildest expectations. if revenge is a dish best served cold, then put on your sunday finest. it's time to feast. big family? like pets? don't talk much, do you? 1-adam 12, 1-adam-12, see the mad scientist with the freezing ray. cops on the rocks, anyone? police are so hot tempered these days. don't you agree, mr. bane? the bat-allion approaches. icemen. attack. not so fast. time you cooled your heals. mr. bane, i'll finish off the city. you, as they say in showbiz, are on. take the boys and kill the kids. but bring me the bat. tonight's forecast. . a freeze is coming! we aim to. . freeze. that's new. let's swing. i think not. there'll be no hot time in this old town tonight. you'll get a charge out of this. go on, kill me too. just as you killed my wife. take two of these and call me in the morning. it's amazing what you can buy around here for a few dozen diamonds. prepare for a bitter harvest. winter has come at last.