hi there. poison. poison ivy. why not send junior to bed early, i could come and take your measurements? on the other hand, youth does have its advantages. endurance. stamina. why settle for second place? robin is a sidekick, a junior partner. if we were a team, you'd be the star. forget the geriatric bat. come, join me, my garden needs tending. i'll take it from here, pal. some lucky boy's about to hit the honey pot. i'll include an evening of my company for the winner. i'll bring everything you see here. plus everything you don't. and i'll bring my imagination. you two boys aren't going to fight over little old me, are you? listen, captain cold, the suit, maybe, even though silver went out in the 70's. but those boots are unforgivable. what is it with men? well, if you insist. that's no man. that's a god! enough monkey business. we've got work to do. batface and birdbrain turned out to be more resistant to my love dust than expected. no matter, i'll give them a stronger dose. next time, they'll literally be dying for me. a fixer-upper, yes. but with a certain homey charm. ah, a minus. current tenants. hello yourself. i love this place. i hope it's priced to sell. oh, that i am. come and get me. if you can. for the strong, silent type, you are most persuasive. let's redecorate. first, the light is all wrong. also, what is this floor? au natural. still, i've always hankered for something on the water. now a little color. it took god seven days to create paradise. let's see if i can do better. bane, i've found a fellow who strikes my fancy. a cool customer, yes. icy demeanor, no question. but i detect a certain ruthless charm i may be able to use to my advantage. bruce? men. the most absurd of all god's creatures. we give you life and we can take it back just as easily. what if i told you one kiss from me would kill you? i really am to die for. well, i, my most unabominable snowman, have been impressed by you. in fact i propose a pairing. so i'm here to set you free. let's cool it for now. there's someone i want you to meet. i love that belt. what are you, about a fifty big and tall? not good. i wonder if i can get a cell with a view of the gardens? i hate heights. you are looking unseasonably hot. let's go inside and grab your rocks. you leave batman and robin to me. trust me. vegetable magnetism. hold it. you never said anything about a wife, frozen or otherwise- ok, ok. ms. ivy to the rescue. now where do i find your brittle bride? i must confess, the combination of heroic daring-do and an anatomically correct rubber suit puts fire in a girl's. lips. her pretty birdie. at you? polly want a kiss? i must be losing my touch. you bring out the animal in me. enough sweet talk. i'm a lover not a fighter. that's why every poison ivy action figure comes complete with. him. i'm off to find bachelor number two. try not to make a mess when you die. stop living in the shadow of the big bad bat. you don't need him. you deserve your own legend. your own bright shining signal in the sky. let me guide you. let me. . touch you. kiss you. so sorry, ms. fridigaire. i'm just not good with competition. make yourself right at home. there was nothing i could do. batman deactivated her. she's dead. i'm sorry. kill them. of course. but why stop there? why should only batman and robin die while the society that created them goes unpunished? just what i had in mind. everything dead on earth except us. a chance for mother nature to start again. plants and flowers are the oldest species on the planet yet they are defenseless against man. sorry hon, this is for science. behold the dawn of a new age. i have created a race of plants with the strength of the deadliest animals. once you have frozen mankind, my mutants will overrun the globe. the earth will become a brave new world of only plants. and we shall rule them. for we will be the only two people left in the world. can't we just ice them along with the rest of the citizenry? as a team, the duncely duo protect each other. but the robin is young. impetuous. if i could get him alone- the way to a boy's heart is through his ego. what strapping young hero could resist his very own. signal? i'm hungry. i think i'll have poultry. let there be light. you'll just have to find out. i'm glad you came. i can't breathe without you. how about dangerous curves? kiss me and i'll tell you. freeze has turned the new telescope into a freezing gun. he's about to turn gotham into an ice cube. one kiss, my love. for luck. bad luck, i'm afraid. it's time to die, little bird. you should have heeded your pointy- eared pal. these lips can be murder. love you? i loathe your bipedal arrogance, your animal superiority. my only joy is knowing that even now my poison kiss is sucking the life from your ape-like face. you're too late. say bye-bye birdie. sorry, boys, my vines have a little crush on you. gotta run. so many people to kill. so little time. as i told lady freeze when i pulled her plug, this is a one woman show. as i told lady freeze when i pulled her plug, this is a one woman show. he loves me. he loves me not. he loves me. he loves me. not good.