i still have high hopes for the animal plant cross-breedings if i can only find the correct dose of venom, these plants will be able to fight back like animals. i will have given flora a chance against the thoughtless ravages of man. personal note: my work would proceed faster if dr. woodrue weren't always whisking my venom samples back to his mysterious gilgamesh wing. why won't he let me into his lab? what exactly are you working on in there? what are those screams? you have to tell me what you're doing with my venom. our work? join you? i've spent my life trying to protect plants from extinction and now you corrupt my research into some maniacal scheme for world domination. when i get through you won't be able to get a job teaching high school chemistry, do you hear me, you psycho? hello, jason. i think i've had a change of heart. quite literally. i don't think i'm human anymore. the animal-plant toxins had a rather unique effect on me. they replaced my blood with aloe, my skin with chlorophyll and fill my lips with venom. oh, and jason? one other thing. silly me, i probably should have mentioned this earlier. i'm poison. it's a jungle in here. let the flames touch the sky. for i am nature's arm, her spirit, her will. hell, i am mother nature. the time has come for plants to take back the world so rightfully ours. because it's not nice to fool with mother nature. coming, bane darling. we've got a plane to catch. be gentle. he's always been touchy. silly darling, there's no need to pretend in front of the driver. love hurts. in my case it kills. once around the park. kind of hip, kind of wow, ivy. kind of free, kind of now, ivy. dr. pamela isley. actually, i already work for you. or did. your arboreal preservation project in south america. i see you knew him. i have here a proposal showing how wayne enterprises can immediately cease all actions that toxify our environment. forget the stars. look here, at the earth, our mother, our womb. she deserves our loyalty and protection. and yet you spoil her lands, poison her oceans, blacken her skies. you're killing her. acceptable losses in a battle to save the planet. mammals. so smug in your towers of stone and glass. a day of reckoning is coming. the same plants and flowers that saw you crawl blind from the primordial soup will reclaim this planet. earth will be a garden again. somehow, some way, i will bring your man-made civilization to its knees and there will be no one to protect you. tell me, billionaire, would you warm faster to my pleas if i looked more like ms. january here? batman and robin. militant arm of the warm-blooded oppressors. animal protectors of the status quo. first i'll rid myself of the fur and feathered pests. and then gotham will be mine for the greening. oh, i don't mind you at all. you're not that attractive. pretty average i'd say. but your fantasies aren't average, are they? i'd just love to see it. but you probably don't have access. on second thought, you're way too old for me. i think he's asking me on a date, in an awkward, stammering sort of way. physical perfection, charm and wealth tossed over for a dowdy spinster. how do you explain your behavior? maybe your witless playboy persona works on every bimbo du jour but i am not the least bit titillated by your attentions. so back off or i'll have you in court quicker than you can spell sexual harassment. got me?