dr. isley, loveliest flower in our garden. how fare our little wards? what do we have here? a lovely new supply of venom. i'll just take this to my laboratory for further study. how i'd love to share my secrets with you. but i ask you, sweet sapling, can you be trusted? you refuse my invitations to dine. you hide your honeyed buds behind these sallow robes. ah, but there's romance in the air tonight. perhaps a moonlit stroll in the jungle. and then, later, in the dark, we can share everything. you must show me your secrets, blossom, before i show you mine. ladies and gentlemen of the un-united nations. and our mystery bidder. i give you the future of military conquest. may i present antonio diego, serial murderer serving life in prison and sole surviving volunteer. and what a charmer he is. the super solder serum, code named venom, patent pending of course. notice the hassle free zipper. time to scream. behold, the ideal killing machine. i call this little number. bane. bane of humanity. imagine it, your own personal army made up of thousands of these super soldiers. bidding begins at a mere 10 million. welcome to my parlor. our original sponsor had no stomach for military applications. he cut the funding for our work - without your research, i could never have come this far. join me. the two of us, entwined, side by side. well, i can respect your opinion. sadly, i'm not good at rejection. i'm afraid you'll have to die. fellow maniacs, bidding begins! yes, sir, i'm so pleased you won the bidding, your supreme ruthlessness. we're making the final modifications on bane right now. we'll have a thousand super soldiers out to you tomorrow by overnight mail. dr. isley? pamela? you look great. especially for a dead woman.