you have eaten well. as gotham has starved. this changes tonight. nice coat. here. i'm batman. leverage. to get things moving. someone like you. someone who'll stand against the corruption. trouble? it's a start. your partner was at the docks with falcone. there was another man. testing the drugs. flass knows. he'll talk to me. what do you think? who was with falcone at the docks? swear to me. why? what? batman can. alfred?! alfred?! blood! alfred?! blood! a sample- take a sa- sample- poisoned. taste of your own medicine, doctor? who are you working for?! ra's al ghul is dead, crane! who are you really working for? crane!!! crane poisoned her with his toxin. he was the third man at the docks. they can't help her. but i can. i need to get her the antidote before the damage becomes permanent. not long. get her downstairs, meet me in the alley on the narrows side. i called for backup. crane's been refining his toxin, stockpiling it. i don't know, but he's been working for someone else. backup. excuse me- how is she? i bought mine. you've been poisoned. stay calm. breath slowly. close your eyes. shortcut. trust me. stay with me. hold on. just hold on. rachel? rachel?! how do you feel? if i hadn't. your mind would now be lost. you were poisoned. rest. gordon has crane. f i don't have the luxury of friends. gotham needs you. i serve justice. i'm going to give you a sedative. you'll wake up back at home. and when you do, get these to gordon, and gordon alone. trust no one. the antidote. one for gordon to inoculate himself, the other to start mass-production. crane was just a pawn. he was working for someone else. ra's al ghul. it's not him. he's dead. i watched him die. they're going to unleash the toxin on the entire city. i have to find the microwave emitter. of course- the monorail. the track runs directly over the water mains. he's going to drive that thing straight into wayne tower and blow the main hub, creating enough toxin to blanket the entire city. it's not who i am underneath. but what i do that defines me. how about this? what's necessary. yes. but not of you. nice. well, sergeant? then things are better. but? we will. gotham will return to normal. escalation? and? i'll look into it. And you'll never have to.