you didn't have to pick me up- how is mr.earle? i'm not heading back at all. i like it fine. they just don't feel the same way. my old room will be fine. no, alfred, his isn't my house. it's a mausoleum. a reminder of everything i lost. and when i have my way i'll pull the damn thing down brick by brick- nor borne, old friend. i'm sorry to have disappointed you. i know. haven't given up on me, yet? i may not get another chance to thank you for all you've done for me. you look well. "assistant district attorney", right? turns out you don't actually need a degree to do the international playboy thing. someone at this proceeding should stand for my parents. then why is your boss letting him go? rachel, this man killed my parents. i cannot let that pass. rachel, i need you to understand. i do. all these years i wanted to kill him. now he's gone. now i can't. what if i do, rachel? chill killed my parents. they deserved justice. sometimes they're the same. well, your system of justice is broken- i'm not one of your "good people", rachel. chill took that from me. i was going to kill him myself. the other half when you give me the nod that falcone's leaving. unawares. i don't need a gun. i didn't come here to thank-you. i came to show you that nit everyone in gotham is afraid of you. you don't dress well enough to be a pimp. your jacket. be careful who sees you with that. they're gonna come looking for me. everyone. where's this friend of yours? i'm not a criminal. protein-based compounds. might be possible to work up an antidote. i've got a better idea.