insinuations? well, let me be clearer- you stepped on the last shipment before you delivered it to me. you cut it with baby powder, and rendered it useless for my purposes. i'm aware that you're not intimidated by me, mr.falcone. but you know who we're working for. and when he gets here i don't think he's going to want to hear that you've been endangering our operation just to filch a few dollars from your dealers. soon. this is our last shipment. that's why i came. not at all. so he cut his wrists? of course, better safe than sorry. what do you want? such as? about what? you don't know anything. if he wanted you to know he'd have told you himself. i already know what he'll say. that we should kill you. would you like to see my mask? i use it in my experiments. probably not very frightening to a guy like you. but those crazies. they can't stand it. they scream and cry. much as you're doing now. oh, he's not faking. not that one. i'll talk to the judge, see if i can get him moved to the secure wing at arkham. i can't treat him here. fine, leave the body. torch the place. no traces. need a light? ms.dodson, there's nothing to add to the report i filed with the judge. yes. but this is a mental asylum for the criminally insane. the unusual is usual here. there's nothing convenient about his symptoms, miss dodson. look, i doubt we're even supposed to be having this conversation, but off the record. we're not talking about a few easily- manufactured eccentricities. patients suffering delusional episodes often focus their paranoia onto an external tormentor, usually one conforming to the jungian archetypes. in this case, a scarecrow. psychopharmacology is my primary field- i'm a strong advocate. outside, he was a giant. in here, only the mind can grant you power. i respect the mind's power over the body. it's why i do what i do. first thing tomorrow, then. as you wish. this is where we make the medicine. perhaps you should have some. clear your head. boo. who knows you're here? who knows?!! he's here. the batman. what anyone does when a prowler comes around. call the police. at this point, they're irrelevant. but the batman. he has a talent for disruption. let the cops wrangle him. force him outside, the police will take him down. get them out of here. she's gone. i gave her a concentrated dose. the mind can only take so much. we'll find out, won't we? ra's. ra's. al ghul. dr. crane isn't here right now, but if you'd like to make an appointment- scarecrow.