you're in excellent hands, bruce. and we're minding the empire. when you're all grown up, it'll be waiting. our operating assumption is always the hopeful one that bruce'll resurface sometime soon. clearly, judge phelan, moving to have bruce declared dead is not something that any of us here relishes. but as responsible managers it falls to us to act on behalf of wayne industries. i'm sorry, can i? my boy! we thought you were gone for good. can i ask where you've been? well, perhaps you'll tell us your plans. are you back to finish college? any idea where you'd like to start?'s department. i'll make a call. you can start today. not yet. i checked th trust, and bruce can't assume control until his thirtieth birthday. jessica, where's that coffee? we'll have to move fast. an ipo. there's nothing in bruce's trust to stop us taking the company public. we'll have an offering. precisely. we can't have some clown prince running things. jessica? ladies? junior executive? who's answering the phones? of course, you're not actually starting just yet, bruce. not until your birthday. with bells on. how are things down at applied sciences? since you're here, there is a business matter that i wanted to make you aware of. we've been thinking for some time about offering shares. i think the time is right. it's just a way of raising capital for growth. it's important to me that the company be in great shape when you take over. consider it my legacy. well, i guess i'd better go hire a new secretary and receptionist. what kind of situation? what happened? what about the weapon? happy birthday, bruce. not everybody thought you'd make it this far. very well- the price soared. a variety of funds and brokerages. it's all a bit technical- the key thing is, our company's future is secure. of course, lucius, how are you? fox, forget about kissing wayne's ass to get back in- i'm merging applied sciences with central archiving and you're top of the early retirement list. didn't you get the memo? what are you doing here, fox? i seem to remember firing you. whose authority? you think you have authority to decide who runs this company, bruce? not anymore. wayne industries went public a week ago-