the glowing window of crane's office. batman, crouched on the fence, adjusts mikes in the ears of his cowl. batman, upside down, clings to the wall above the window at the end of the corridor. he racks audio focus through the orderly's conversation, settling on crane's voice. batman's cape flutters as he swings down two stories, landing at the high windows of the derelict corridor. police cars surround the building. cops have guns drawn, waiting. staff emerge, blinking, from the darkened asylum. flass and gordon arrive. flass shouts at the uniforms: swat officers pour out of vans, race up the front steps. a strange squealing sound rises. flass looks around, curious. a dark cloud crosses the moon. not a regular cloud. flass screams- cops dive for cover as bats- thousands upon thousands- descend on the asylum, heading for the windows- gordon covers rachel as he carries her down the steps. gordon turns. rachel is there. he nods. the cops react to the explosion- gordon races into the building. manhole covers explode, releasing geysers of steam. fire hydrants explode, hissing with steam- cops hit the deck.