a thug hands a box to a second thug, who walks away along the corridor of containers. the first thug turns back to the darkness of the open container, reaches in- the thugs peer into the blackness of the open container- as the closest lamp shatters, a glint of metal drops to the ground. the second thug bends, picks it up, staring; thugs, guns drawn, advance into the stacks. a fourth thug whips around a corner to see a jumpy thug covering the other end of the corridor. jumpy thug fires blindly at strobing shadows- glimpses of a dark cloaked figure moving from shadow to shadow. jumpy thug empties the clip. fumbles for another as he looks out into the darkness. falcone advances through the stacks, shotgun in hand. he rounds a corner to find five thugs, various weapons in hand, in a loose defensive ring, peering out into the darkness. 6: