the little rich kid. no gun? i'm insulted.
yes, you do.
money isn't power down here- fear is.
you shoulda just sent me a thank-you note.
just those that know me. you got balls, kid.  but you don't belong down here with us. we don't play fair.
now go back to your big house, wrap yourself in your silk sheets and i'll send you a shoulder to cry on.
you miss your mommy and daddy? come down here again, i send you to them.
duty calls. you have yourself a good time, judge.
if he's too cheap to get a hotel, at least make him take his car around to the alley. no class.
you believe this hump, flass?
crane here's making insinuations.
flass, tell this guy what happens to people who talk to me this way.
he's coming to gotham?
there's no need to argue- you can just test the stuff here and now.
what the hell's going on?!
what in god's name are you?
doctor crane, it's all too much, the walls are closing in, blah, blah, blah. couple more days of this food, it'll be true.
we got a lot to talk about.
such as, how you're gonna convince me to keep my mouth shut.
i know you wouldn't want the cops taking a closer look at the drugs they seized.
i know about your experiments on the inmates at your nuthouse.  i don't get into business with someone without finding out their dirty secrets. those goons you hired.  i own the muscle in this town.
so what have i been bringing in for you hidden in my drugs, crane?
i've been smuggling your stuff in for months, so whatever he's got planned, it's big. and i want it.
even he can't touch me in here. not in my town.
when did the nut take over the asylum-
scarecrow.  s-scarecrow.  s-s.