environmental applications, defense projects, consumer products. all prototypes, none if production at any level whatsoever. what did they tell you this place was? told me exactly what it was when they sent me here. a dead end where i couldn't cause any more trouble for the rest of the board. back when your father ran things. sure. helped him build his train. beautiful project- routed right into wayne tower, along with the water and power utilities. made wayne tower the unofficial heart of gotham. here it is: the nomex survival suit for advanced infantry. kevlar bi- weave, reinforced joints. anything but a straight shot. this sucker'll stop a knife. the bean counters figured a soldier's life wasn't worth the 300 grand. what do you want with it, mr.wayne? you get a lot of gunfire down in those caves? mr.wayne, the way i see it. all this stuff is yours, anyway. what's it today? more "spelunking"? base-jumping? what, like parachuting? for what? we've got suction pads, grapples. nope. but this thing's pretty neat. pneumatic. magnetic grapple. monofilament tested to 350 pounds. guess they never thought about marketing to the billionaire base- jumping, spelunking market. mr.wayne, if you don't tell me what you're really doing, then when i get asked. i don't have to lie. but don't treat me like an idiot. come on, i'll show you something. notice anything? memory fabric- dual layer polymers with variable alignment molecules. flexible ordinarily, but put a current through it, the molecules align and become rigid. it could be tailored to any structure based on a rigid skeleton. the tumbler? oh, you wouldn't be interested in that. she was built as a bridging vehicle! you hit that button- no, not now!! it boosts her into a rampless jump! in combat, two of them jump a river towing cables, then you run a bailey bridge across! damn bridge never worked- but this baby works fine! what do you think? this was in your blood? mr.wayne, you are definitely hanging out at the wrong clubs. well, the hallucinatory compounds can be balanced. but this receptor's a compound i've never seen before. did i say that? i just want you to know how hard it's gonna be. no. but she will. oh. it won't tell us. it must be a defense prototype. i'll make a couple calls. i still have a couple friends in defense. a contact in heavy weapons tipped me off- it's a microwave emitter. it vaporizes water. sure, if the water supply were poisoned before you vaporized it. he's a good kid. this is a hard hat area. might be something to do with my new job as head of wayne industries. didn't you get the memo?