it's okay. nothing wise in what you do, flass. i'm no rat, flass. in a town this bent, who's there to rat to, anyway? what do you want? carmine falcone? he's paid up with the right people. leverage on judge phelan. and a d.a. brave enough to prosecute. who are you? you're just one man? we? freeze! some nut. does it matter? we'll never tie him to it, anyway. cut him down. this guy did deliver us one of the city's biggest crime lords. what do you want, flass? cut to it, flass. you come around here making threats, pretending to be liquored up. tells me you're scared. the scum's getting jumpy because you stood up to falcone. he moonlights as a low-level enforcer. it wasn't a buy- why risk opening a package on the docks? he won't talk. commissioner loeb set up a massive task force to catch you. he thinks you're dangerous. i think you're trying to help. but i've been wrong before. councilor. thanks for seeing me. will finch go the distance on falcone? what about judge phelan? who? there's a loose thread on the falcone case- i want to see what unravels higher up. i'm told you can be trusted. i'd rather not say. my gut says he's okay. and he's getting things moving in this town. councilor, this guy took down a dozen of gotham's most vicious wiseguys single-handed and without killing one of them- he's plenty bold already. i was just leaving, mr.wayne. gordon. sergeant. no, i just recognized you. from your pictures. what-! what's happened to her? let me take her down to the medics- how long does she have? how will you get out? what was he planning? what is that? take my car. yours? i gotta get me one of those. is he cooperating? nope. looks like they tapped the mains. get me somebody at the water board! someone's been dumping a dangerous contaminant into the supply from this location for days, maybe weeks- it must be like chlorine or fluoride- harmless to drink, but when you breathe it it's deadly. look, wake up your boss, see if there's a way to flush out the system. open that up. i don't know, but nobody gets near it, understand? we're closing the bridges, locking down the whole island. how are you? thank the batman. couldn't find any mob bosses to strap to the light. it's lieutenant, now. commissioner loeb had to promote me. and he had to disband the task force hunting you. amazing what saving a city can do for your image. you've started something- bent cops running scared, hope on the streets. but there's a lot of weirdness out there right now. the narrows is lost. we still haven't picked up crane or half the inmates of arkham that he freed. will it? what about escalation? we start carrying semiautomatics, they buy automatics. we start wearing kevlar, they buy armor- piercing rounds. and. you're wearing a mask and jumping off rooftops. take this guy. armed robbery, double homicide. got a taste for theatrics, like you. leaves a calling card. i never said thank you.