batman drives. rachel, coming to, hangs on, terrified. a cop car pulls across the alley- batman hits the accelerator. rachel braces against the dash, breathing fast, staring at the road ahead. through her eyes: batman spots the cops on a rear-view monitor, flips a switch. batman glances at a row of buttons- each one a tiny screen showing different views. batman pushes one- that view flicks onto the main display. rachel is hyperventilating. batman spots the roadblock in front. touches the gps screen- the map becomes three-dimensional . batman skids into a turn- rachel flinches away from the pillars- batman glances at his 3-d gps. then looks at rachel. rachel screams- batman hits another button- batman yanks the steering left, hits the boost- batman checks his 3-d gps, rockets forward, aiming at the next roof, a pitched chateau-style tile roof. batman's forward-slung position is gyroscopically balanced- he is the only vertical element in the angled car. batman's display shows a radar sweep and plots a course through the differing speeds of the lanes. he pilots, leaning left and right like a motorcyclist. batman lifts himself back into the rear driving position- throttles back- kills all the lights, and the engine. silence, but for the steady whine of the electric motor. rachel breathes in the sudden quiet. eyes flickering. rachel stares at batman in the intimate quiet. her eyes are glaring. her breathing is shallow. the spotlight hits the car- batman hits a button- the main engine roars to life- batman slips into the prone position- hits the boost. batman kills the lights, running on night vision. rachel's eyes flicker at the eerie green view of ghostly trees, her breathing faster and still more shallow. rachel, crying, looks at the monstrous shapes of the trees: rachel screams as they splash into the face of the waterfall- rachel bounces in her seat. passed out.