i've been admiring your work, even as it's interfered with my plans. you were my greatest student. until you betrayed me. as you wish. but they don't have long to live- your antics at the asylum have forced my hand. his toxin is derived from the organic compound in our blue poppies. crane was able weaponize the compound. a brilliant scientist, but no visionary. he just wanted money and power- i told him the plan was to hold the city to ransom. but, in fact- then watch gotham tear itself apart through fear. no. billions of lives. gotham is just the beginning. the world will watch in terror as the greatest city falls. anarchy and chaos will spread. mankind will ravage itself, the species will be culled and the balance of nature restored. the planet will be saved for all species. don't question my humanity, bruce- when i found you in that fetid hole you were lost. i saved you- i showed you a path and took away your fear- i made you what you are. and in return. you attacked me and burned my home. since then, you've used my skills and techniques to interfere with my plans, plans in which you were supposed to play a part. you were supposed to be gotham's destroyer. instead you became her only protector. you underestimate gotham's corruption- we've infiltrated every aspect of the city's infrastructure. gotham is helpless without you. that's why i'm here. to bring you back to us, bruce. the world will need great men like you- this is not about power. this is about saving the planet before man destroys it with his greed, with his pollution, with his weaponry. you still doubt me? apply a few pounds of pressure. buy your precious city a reprieve. kill me. then you'll understand how simple it is to do what's necessary. but you already are. you've given gotham a potent symbol of fear. you frighten everybody. a giant vengeful bat? what better apocalyptic symbol to haunt gothams' dreams as panic takes hold? then die with gotham- or perhaps you'll never learn- -to mind your surroundings as well as your opponent. rest easy, friend. no one comes out. make sure. is everything ready? you! you took my advice about theatricality a bit literally, don't you think? familiar. don't you have anything new? what're you doing?!! are you afraid?!!