kidnapping you. they'' pay a lot for precious brucie. bruce, i can see you. bruce?!! mom!! mister alfred!! you still trying to get kicked out of the entire ivy league? bruce, i don't suppose there's any way i can convince you not to come- bruce, we all loved your parents. what chill did is unforgivable- because in prison he shared a cell with carmine falcone. he learned things and he'll testify in exchange for early parole. come one, bruce. come on, we don't need to see this. are you okay? you don't mean that. you're not talking about justice, you're talking about revenge. they're never the same, bruce. justice is about harmony. revenge is about you making yourself feel better. that's why we have an impartial system- don't you tell me the system's broken, bruce! i'm out here every day trying to fix it while you mope around using your grief as an excuse to do nothing. you care about justice? look beyond your own pain, bruce. this city is rotting. chill is not the cause, he's the effect. corruption is killing gotham and chill being dead doesn't help that- it makes it worse because falcone walks. he carries on flooding our city with crime and drugs. creating new joe chills. falcone may not have killed your parents, bruce, but he's destroying everything they stood for. they all know where to find falcone. but no one will touch him because he keeps the bad people rich and the good people scared. and what chance does gotham have when the good people do nothing? what do you mean? you're no better than the rest. your father would be ashamed of you. mr.finch mr.finch, on the falcone matter- that was then- but now he's importing drugs, everybody knows it, let's take it to harvey dent and- that would make a lot more sense if we were doing any frying. who's there?!! take one step, i drop you! what the hell is this? what do i need leverage for? who are you? no way to bury it now. i've got phelan covered. even if these guys'll swear in court to being thrashed by a giant bat. we have falcone at the scene- drugs, prints, cargo manifest- everything. bruce? i'd heard you were back. where were you? no, bruce, i don't. and neither did a lot of people. people who thought you were probably dead. i never quite gave up on you. the same great little kid you used to be? bruce, deep down, your friends out there are great, too. it's not who you are underneath. but what you do that defines you. sergeant gordon? he'll have to because of the press. someone gave me leverage. i'd rather not say. who told you that? gordon, we're working for a masked vigilante. maybe from a rival gang. and when he gets bolder with success? goes too far? if he takes a life. it's on us. what do you want, bruce? a party. great. just what i need. you don't owe an apology, bruce. you are who you are. it' simple. i don't have the right to expect anything more. is the party at the house? i miss it. bruce, don't say that. and you. who authorized that?! get crane there right now- don't take no for an answer. and call dr.lehmann, we'll need our own assessment on the judge's desk by morning. guess i won't make your party. you have yourself a great time- some of us have work to do. happy birthday, bruce. well, i have questions about your report. such as, is it unusual for a 58-year old man with no history of mental illness to have a complete psychotic break? but isn't it convenient for falcone to suddenly develop these symptoms when he's about to be indicted? what's "scarecrow"? he's drugged. you enjoy the reversal. and i do what i do to put scum like falcone behind bars, not in therapy. i want my own psychiatric consultant to have full access to falcone, including bloodwork to find out exactly what you have him on. tonight. i've already paged dr.lehmann over at county general. that's worse! what're you doing?!! oh. my. god. where are we? why did you bring me here? i remember. nightmares. this. face, this. mask. crane. it was crane- i have to tell the police- we've got- is sergeant gordon your friend? why did you save my life? and you serve gotham? perhaps you do. what are they? ghul. something al ghul. how do you know? officer, i'm a gotham city district attorney with information relevant to this situation- so let me pass. better. thank you. i already did. he sent me with doses of the antidote for you. gordon, wait! gordon, it's me! it's rachel! i have the antidote! gordon- stay calm. i can help you. breathe. just breathe. come on. crane! they were lifting a machine up to the tracks. wait! you could die. at least tell me your name. bruce- of course. what? what did you find down there? the day you left gotham. the day chill was murdered. i said terrible things. well, you proved me wrong. your father would be proud of you. just as i am. between batman and bruce wayne, there's no room for me. you didn't choose the life, bruce. it was thrust upon you, the way greatness often is. you've given this city hope- now she's depending on you. we all are. good-bye, bruce. what will you do?