bruce wayne. -- i've read your work. i quite like it. i might consider it if you introduce me to miss vale. you're just back from corto maltese. i saw your combat photos. quite a departure for you. you have an extraordinary eye. i don't. seek publicity. -- will you be staying in gotham for a while? good. then with any luck we'll run into each other. thank you, alfred. i hope you'll excuse me. it was a great pleasure meeting you. and you. too much work. i'm not really the physical type. -- thank you, alfred. two drinks and i start swinging from the rooftops. tell me, vicki. there's something i'm very curious about. what took you down to corto maltese? you were one of the most successful magazine photographers in the city. everyone wanted you. not since the shooting started. what did you see? there's terror everywhere. some types are just more -- familiar than others. insulation? i think you see things very clearly. do you assume that if i know you better i won't like you as much? vicki, if i say anything cryptic, or. ambiguous, i think you should put the most flattering possible interpretation on it. because even if it doesn't sound that way. that's how i'll mean it. would you like me to take you home? maybe we should just kiss. i don't sing very well. i said i'd call you the minute i got free. and i did. -- and here we are. vicki. do you want the whole truth? all coyness aside? i wish i had more time to give you. every day i don't see you, i miss you. now. are you going to waste this lovely afternoon being all mad at me? looks like a convention. oh my god. are you all right? vicki. ? vicki, i've been thinking about you. i know it's late. i'm sorry. i -- are you there? i'm sorry about the way things went between us. i'd very much like to see you again. i wish you'd reconsider. i didn't stand you up today. the museum was closed when i got there. vicki? vi -- don't sell. it won't last. we'll ride it out. vicki?. this is batman. i thought i'd call and see how you're doing. who's this "bruce"? are you trying to make me jealous? i've been expecting to hear from you. what is it you want? i can't do that. not while the joker's still out there. there's something i don't understand. if you've got the story, why haven't you printed it? do you want a drink? alfred, bring something for mr. knox. -- i'll have one too. it wouldn't matter much. money makes money, vicki. the foundation runs itself. -- i'm extraneous to the process. what it i could save a handful? -- what if i could save one? sometimes. i don't know if there's enough of me left to save. are you expecting anyone? set it down by the door. on the left-hand side. very thoughtful. don't touch it. i feel naked without it. they're wax. that does it. it's going to be this weekend. keep her on the line! finding out where she is. i've had an automatic tracer on this number ever since he tracked you to the museum. got it! hang on. i have to leave a message. there's a garage in this building? oh, hell! my name is bruce wayne. you're welcome to stay here as long as you want. he'll be ready when you do. remember what happened at the apartment. i suggest a nice big bomb. then for god's sake, harvey, cancel the anniversary celebration. do you still think the joker cares about money?? sorry. i can't let you leave. if i let you leave, you'll do the same thing again. you'll go after the joker. and you'll wind up dead. i don't care what's in your mind. you're staying. it's all right, alfred. everything's under control. all this apparatus, vicki. this house, and the money, and the power. it was never mine. it was something i inherited. bruce wayne was something i inherited. all i ever hoped for was someone who could see through bruce -- who could see me -- and not be frightened. in all these years. why couldn't i see how it would turn out? where's the boy? i know that feeling. it won't last. he'll be taken care of financially. beyond that. you know what to do. don't let all this go to waste. no. sense. of humor? ohhhh. you don't mean that. vicki. do you love half of me? or all of me? i don't know how to explain this so it makes sense. but you saved me.