it is no longer enough to go after the small-time punks and petty criminals who infest the streets of gotham city. crime and corruption must be attacked at the root! if elected, my first act as district attorney will be to return an indictment against boss carl grissom! together we can make gotham city a safe place for decent people to live and work and play. how's your luck, jim? mr. knox, i think we have enough real problems in this city without worrying about ghosts and goblins and halloween characters. we deal. screw that, ed. we've got a market panic of national proportions. -- we've got 786 people dead. i won't sacrifice one more life for the sake of appearing strong. we'll send a team into ace the moment the warrant comes through. all right, bruce, what do you suggest? good. a bomb. on a blind tip from bruce wayne. -- we do have laws. we've told him we'll deal. what could he possibly have to gain by -- i don't know. i'm just a d.a. i don't have access to all your expert sources.