two-face? and you are? dual personalities. abnormal psychology. washington's poster child for the criminally insane. i read your work. why's that? bats aren't rodents, dr. meridian. harvey, you need help. give it up. surrender. i won't kill you, harvey. how 'bout two-face? anyone here heard of him? commissioner? what's wrong? you called me here for this? the batsignal is not a beeper. are you trying to get under my cape, doctor? it's the car, right? chicks love the car. try a fireman. less to take off. we all wear masks. i'm not the kind of guy who blends in at a family picnic. you are direct, aren't you? i haven't had much luck with women. nothing. false alarm. drops to the stage from the ceiling. he looks around at the stunned audience. excuse me. tonight it ends. what do you suggest, alfred. by see or by air? dick. where did you get that suit? not a friend. a partner. what? this place was a refueling station for subs during the war. dick. no more tricks, edward. release chase and dick. this is between you and me. of course. the box does more than enhance neural energy. you've been sucking gotham's brainwaves. edward, you've become a monster. death. death. without taste, sound and all around us. because there is no way for me to save them or myself. this is one giant death trap. wait. i have a riddle for you. i see without seeing. to me, darkness is as clear as daylight. what am i? exactly! haven't you forgotten something, harvey? you're always of two minds about everything. help chase. i'll be back. poor, edward. i had to save them both. you see, i am bruce wayne and batman. not because i have to be. now because i choose to be.