hot entrance. we should have, though. _two_ million dollars waiting to be transferred from the _second_ bank of gotham on the _22nd_ how could harvey? _two_-face resist? chase meridian i'm flattered. not every girl makes a super-hero's night table. you might have some interesting insights into two-face. let's just say i could write a hell of a paper on a grown man who dresses like a flying rodent. i didn't know that. see? you _are_ interesting. and call me chase. by the way, do you have a first name? or do i just call you bats? bull ! which part of the word didn't you understand? mr. wayne. chase meridian. how can i help you, mr. wayne? psychiatrists make you nervous? the infamous wayne charm. does it ever shut off? she's a malaysian dream warden. she stands sentry while you sleep and calms your dreams. need one? my opinion. this letter writer is a total wacko. patient apparently suffers from acute obsessional syndrome with potential homicidal styles. work better for you? exactly. that's a rorschach, mr. wayne. people see what they want to. i think the question would be, do you have a thing for bats? what do you know about obsession? obsession is born of fear. recall a moment of great terror in your life. say you associate that moment with. . a bat. the bat's image becomes a cancer of the mind, grows more real than your daily life. can you imagine something like that? the letter writer is obsessed with you. his only escape may be. you understand obsession better than you let on. that's usually my line. would you? i'm not so sure. excuse me. i'm surprised you aren't blind by now. like normal folks. i don't get you bruce wayne. the glib, cavalier routine, it really is an act, isn't it? bruce, much to my surprise, you seem like a really great guy. well, i met someone. you could say he kind of dropped out of the sky and bang-. i think he felt it too. what? he's home. i sent the signal. last night at the circus. i noticed something about dent. his coin. he's obsessed with justice. it's his achilles' heel. it can be exploited. i wish i could say my interest in you was purely professional. a girl cannot live by psychoses alone. what is it about the wrong kind of man? in grade school it was guys with earrings. college, motorcycles and leather jackets. now black rubber. i don't mind the work. pity i can't see behind the mask. my life's an open book. you read? we could give it a try. i'll bring the wine, you bring the scarred psyche. you like strong women. i've done my homework. or do i need skin-tight vinyl and a whip? maybe you just haven't met the right woman. are you sure? sorry. i haven't even had time to unpack. instant coffee okay? call it clinical intuition. i thought your dreams might need changing. and now. damn. i'll be right back. find anything interesting? come on, bruce. this is what i do for a living. what do you want me to say? that i'm not attracted to him? it's as if he's paying some great penance. what crime could he have committed to deserve a life sentence of such agony? why do you do that? throw up that ridiculous superficial mask. if you're jealous. you want me close but you won't let me near. what's the terrible, dark secret you're protecting everyone from? in a sense we are all two people. the side we show in daylight. and that side we keep in shadow. if i didn't know better, i'd say you were sulking. touchy, touchy. oh god, bruce. you're still jealous. chase? i'm drinking. excuse me, boys. i'd hate to stop this testosterone flood on my account- call me. i'm sorry. i can't believe it. i've imagined this moment since i first saw you. your hands. your face. your body. and now i have you and. guess a girl has to grow up sometime. i've met someone. he's not. you. but. i hope you can understand. okay, tiger, take it slow. you going to give me your pin or something? let me go first, okay? i think i've found something. about your dreams. i pulled the files on your parents' murders. there was a missing diary, bruce. alfred told the police your father always kept it on his desk. but the day after the murders, it was gone. maybe that's the book you're- your memories are repressed. they're trying to break through. relax. try to remember-. stop fighting. what does it say? what hurts so much, bruce? what does the book say? you do know. try. oh god, bruce, you were a child. you weren't responsible. what? what are you talking about? bruce! batman will come for me. you're frying your brain. did two-face call him bruce? edward. it's dr. meridian. chase. do you remember me? dr. burton tells me you know who batman is. who is the batman, edward? you're right, edward. i didn't mean to be impolite. please. edward, please. who is batman? alfred? where's bruce? does it ever end alfred?