we'll probably go to the house for dinner. yes. yes. maybe he'll throw a little party in my honor. idiot! should have rented a tuxedo. relax. i'm sure wayne manor has extra. after all, we're almost the same size. oh my god. it's him. bruce wayne. in the flesh. nygma. edward nygma. you hired me. personally. just like i tell everyone. well, we've never actually met, but your name was on the hire slip. what? ah yes. of course. i'm sorry. it's just that. you're my idol. and some people have been trying to keep us apart. precisely. what's on all our minds? brainwaves. the future of wayne enterprises is brainwaves! let me ask you something, bruce. what is man's greatest tool? man's greatest tool is. the mind. why be brutalized by an uncaring world? my res box will give joe q public a realm where he is king. not that someone like you would need it. someone so intelligent. witty. charming. but for the lonely, the. the box can change their lives. our stock coupons will spike. hell. might even bring old stickley here a few extra bucks. huh, fred? wayne enterprises will spearhead an entertainment revolution. i just need a bit of additional funding. for human trials. let me show you. i want you to know, we'll be full partners in this, bruce. what talks we'll have, late into the night. now, i'm not used to business travel, so go easy on me. as for recognition, i'm sure after a time i'll get used to it. look at us. two of a kind. bruce? wait. you can't go. no. don't leave me! my invention! i need you! you were supposed to understand. i'll make you understand. too many questions. too many questions. i'll show you it works. caffine'll kill you. this won't hurt a bit. at least i don't think it will. loosing resolution. more power. fred stickley. come on down. you're the next contestant on i want your brain. nygma your machine has unexpected side effects. a feed back loop has caused your brain to absorb stickley's neural energy. stickley, i've had a break- through! and a breakdown? maybe. nevertheless. i'm smarter. hell, i'm a genius. more than a genius. several geniuses. genae. genie. yo. charlie. gimmie an order of brain deep-fry. extra well done. hold the neurons. patient exhibits symptoms of psycho neural overload. notation: obviously higher settings can be dangerous to the subject. riddle me this, fred. what is everything to someone and nothing to everyone else? your mind of course. and now mine pumps with the power of yours. new from brain-bok. da pump. think faster. reason higher. out-cog-nate every homey on the court of life. da pump. yeah. ho! mark. i sense an odd penchant for the anagramatic. the acrostic. the crypto-graphic. what doth this bode? answer me marcutio, you little runt. fred, i must confess you were a wonderful appetizer. simply divine. but now i yearn for a meal of substance. the main course. a wide and varied palette. ah, to taste the mind of a hero. a nobleman. a poet. a chick in a short skirt wouldn't be so bad either. i don't think so. question marks, mr. wayne? my work raises too many question marks? two years. 3.5762 percent of my estimated lifespan toiling for your greater glory and profit. well, let me ask you some questions, mr. smarter than thou. why are you so debonair? successful? richer than god? why should you have it all and not me? yes, you're right, there are too many questions, bruce wayne. like why hasn't anybody put you in your place? and it's time you came up with some answers. starting right now! why? oh, why? i can't believe it. two years. working in the same office. shoulder to shoulder, cheek to cheek, ---we're talking face, by the way---and then this. i found this in my cubicle. you'll find the handwriting matches his exactly as does sentence structure and spelling. mrs. lucertola. what a surprise. come in. i was just sitting down to write the check. my dear ms. lucertola. italian, isn't it? for lizard. how fitting. i think the question better asked: what is it that i don't do? most recently i have devised a way to change the destiny of mankind and the world as we know it, all in my favor of course. might i persuade you to take a seat on this couch? to indulge me in a little experiment? showtime. yes. tv. balm to the minds of the masses. the great deadener. if only it were more lively. but wait. i can help. not quite. but i'm getting there. now this is much better. no pain. just a little holographic tv to keep your mind off the fact. that i'm taking your mind. not your thoughts, mind you. just your neural energy, simply sucking some iq points as it were. his intelligence jumps. ms. lizard don't know it. the crowd goes wild. why sit back when you can be part of the show? nygmatech brings the joy 3-d entertainment into your own home. ladies and gentlemen. let me tell you my vision for the future. "the box" in every home in america. and one day, the world. actually, i'm outselling wayne tech two to one. you might want to ask bruce wayne. bruce, old man! so glad you could come. the press were just wondering what it feels like to be outsold, outclassed, and generally outdone in every way. and what light through yonder window breaks? `tis the east. and you are. of course you are. and what a grand pursuit you must be. what do you think of my new invention? gracious even in defeat. how vaguely disappointing. when all this could have been ours together. no grape could be more intoxicating than you, my dear. but we make due. to your charms. skol. la'chiem. rinka. i notice you've sub-divided your b coupons. feeling a little light on principle? i wouldn't race to the bank. old regimes crumble every day. life is a cycle. remember yeats; turn, turn the widening gyre. the falconer cannot hear the falcon. quite right. shall we dance? you're ruining my big party. are you insane? actually, considering your dual persona, let's just forget the question. patience, oh bifurcated one. oh well, in that case. as long as you were going to rob me, you could have at least let me in on the caper. we could have _organized_ this, _planned it_, pre-sold the movie rights. harv, babe, i gotta be honest. your entrance was good. his was better. what's the difference? showmanship. who is it? how could i forget? yesssssss. i know! can't tell if you don't say please. i am batmaaaaaaann!!!