you _are_ two-face, you would need to face both rivers, both uptown and downtown simultaneously. only one spot in gotham serves these bi- zonal, bi-coastal needs. has anyone ever told you have a serious impulse control problem? you know, i simply love what you've done with this place. heavy metal with just a touch of house and garden. it's so dark and gothic and disgustingly decadent. yet so bright and chipper and conservative! it's so you. and yet so _you_! very few people are both a summer _and_ a winter. but you pull it off nicely. harvey. you need me. since you've gotten out of arkham, you've managed, what? to bungle stealing a safe? wreck a statue? and, correct me if i'm wrong here, but weren't you outsmarted by an acned acrobat at the circus? alright, counselor. go ahead. fire away. but before you do, let me ask you one question. is it really me you want to kill? do you know about hate, my dual visaged friend? slow, burning hate that keeps you sleepless until late in the night, that wakes you before dawn. do you know that kind of hate? i do. kill him? seems like a good enough idea. but have you thought it through? a few bullets, a quick spray of blood, a fast, thrilling rush, and then what? wet hands and post-coital depression. is it really enough? why not ruin him first? expose his frailty. and then, when he is at his weakest, crush him in your hand. take a hit. up, up, up. so not everyone can be a poet. still, i respect the sentiment. this is your brain on the box. this is your brain on their brain. this is my brain on your brain on their brain. does anybody else feel like a fried egg? addictive isn't it? just say no. until i say yes. a little fringe benefit of working with me. now here's the concept, counselor. crime. my i.q., your ak-47. you help me gather production capital so i can produce enough of these to create an empire that will eclipse bruce wayne's forever. and, in return i will help you solve the greatest riddle of all. who is batman? okay. okay. i got it. i just love a captive audience. oh, but all i want is to take all your jewels oh oh. no, oh you villain don't take my jewels, oh no. i will. no you won't. i will. no you won't. here. get a good seat. haven't you had enough? don't think and drive. be my guest. not until you do that thing i like. on se tue pour des mesnonges. j'ai gache ma vie. woah. harsh toke. about what? kill me? well, alright. go ahead. take the empire. all yours. hell, harv, old pals. i'll kill me for you. too. bad. about. batman. what if you could know a man's mind? would you not then own that man? a few dozen extra iq points and my little invention learned a new trick. it does more than drain your brain. it makes a map of your mind. would you like to see what my old friend bruce has in his head. riddle me this, what kind of man has bats on the brain? go ahead. you can say it. trick. what's that i hear? sheath your weapon my impetuous cohort. oh yes, and certainly _we_ will! my poor sweet hero. we'll kill him alright. but first. boys. we're going to make him suffer. it's happy time gotham. have you hugged your little boxes today? i'm in heaven. i'm in heaven with a girl like you. someday my bat will come. some day my bat will come. i'm counting on it. nap time gorgeous. a miss. and my favorite vitamin, i might add. you sunk my battleship. welcome to my parlor said the riddler to the bat. how's tricks? and now it's new. improved. better than ever. oh, bruce, you are clever. how fitting that numbers lead you to me. for numbers will crown me king. my box will sit on countless tv's around the globe, mapping brains, giving me credit card numbers. bank codes. safe combinations. numbers of infidelities. of crimes. of lies told. no secret is safe from my watchful electronic eye. i will rule the planet. for if knowledge is power then tremble world, edward nygma has become a god. was that over the top? i can never tell. by the way, b-man, i got _your_ number. i've seen your mind. yours is the greatest riddle of all. can bruce wayne and batman ever truly coexist? stop me if i'm wrong here. so let's help you decide, once and for all, who you really are. behind curtain #1. the captivating dr. chase meridian. love of bruce wayne's life. behind curtain #2. batman's one and only partner. below, my personal favorite. a watery grave! you flatter me. no monster. just the riddler, and here's yours. what is without taste or sound, all around, but can't be found? on your mark, get set. excellent. see. who says a guy in a rubber suit can't be smart? well, it's been grand. sorry you all have to die now. for _me_? really? tell me. oh please. you're blind as a bat. no! why can't i kill you? now there's a riddle? not smart enough. find a way. too many questions. why you and not me? why me? why??!!