you. sport. any thoughts? counting on batass to rescue you? _we_ sure are. might. might not. could say we're of two minds on the subject. what say we flip for it? what could be fairer than the random toss of an honest coin? life. or death. the coin _wants_ to decide. exhilarating, isn't it? the suspense? sudden death or a new lease on life? really makes a man live in the moment. you're in luck. you get to live to whimper another day. that floor has got to be very hard. is that better? just call us harvey. can we get you a sandwich? a soft drink? given all the trouble we caused you, how about we cut you in for a share of tonight's haul? did we ask your opinion? the coin has rendered its verdict. this man has a family to take care of. you have a problem with that? right on schedule. at last, the bat dies! kill him too. never heard of a double-cross? come on in, the water's fine. not the guest list we had in mind. boys, the party's over. let's fly. the man is taking his job _much too seriously_. that was our money. he wants to play. fine, let's play. ah, to finally be rid of that pointy eared, steroid eating, rubber suited, cross dressing, night rat. words of wisdom from our ex-friend? mano a mano a bato. ever been to arkham, batman? you'd feel right at home. you took a year of my life. so i'm here to pay you back. there's only one way out of this waltz. one of us dies. batman doesn't kill? bullshit. you're a killer too. goodbye old pal. you're a killer too. batman, batman, batman. god, we want that man's blood on our hands. no. too many bats to fry to think about fun. we wanna take him apart limb by hyper-extended limb. feel his bones crunch in our hands. beat him until he's as black and blue as that ridiculous rubber suit. on the other hand, perhaps something slow, a delicious incursion of despair, a campaign to shatter his psyche and bring him crumbling to his knees. hell. why wait? rupture his organs. shatter his spine. still have time for a late dinner. but simple murder? it's just too damn simple. besides, it's been done. no. we need a plan. yes. something senseless, brutal, savage, violent. yet witty. ladies and gentlemen, and i do use the term loosely, your attentions please. tonight, a new act for your amusement. we call it massacre under the big top. who do we have assembled before us? gotham's finest. rich, influential. smart. one of you must know who batman is. hell, we'd lay odds one of you _is_ batman. so, unless the bat is surrendered to us post haste, we're off on a proverbial killing spree. city wide mayhem and murder. starting tonight. with all you lovely folks as our very first corpses to be. you have three ---well just under three--- minutes. boys! move, move, move! cannot get good help these days. day in, day out, it always comes down to the same old question. life. or death. our kinda day. never did like the circus. too many freaks. ever have one of those days where you just want to kill someone? who are you? how'd you find us? congratulations. you get to die on the dean's list. a man with a death wish. let's see if you bleed green. holy shit. no. wait. you are a very strange person. you speak as if we are old friends, which we are not. you barge in here unarmed when it is clearly suicidal to do so. still, an intriguing proposition. heads: we take your offer. tails: we blow your _goddamned head off_! close your fist. reach back. get it? riddler. you punch like a girl. put some heart into it. my god. where are you sending batboy this time? sure, e = mc squared. until you factor in more than three dimensions. then. damn. hit us again. our paleolithic yearnings are best expressed in a pre-linguistic- sorry. just thinking out loud. don't bogart that 'trode. oh my god. jim morrison was right. everything. alright, folks, this is an old- fashioned, low-tech stick-up. we're interested in the basics: jewelry, cash, watches, high-end cellular phones. hand 'em over nice and easy and no one gets hurt. we're sick of waiting for you to deliver the bat, riddle boy. you promised us batman. screw patience. we want him dead. an nothing brings out the bat like a little mayhem and murder. okay boys. phase two. excellent. nothing worse than a bad case of gas. lights. camera. action. finally. why won't you just die?! boys, let's go have us a party. anybody else feel like donuts? you know, ed, we woke up this morning, we just knew we were gonna kill something. the bat got away. looks like it's gonna be you. why do we need you? you only come between us. we can be the smartest person in gotham city. we want the empire for ourselves. time's up, laughing boy. what about batman? you're a genius. bruce, batman. bruce, batman. get the girl. see ya. bruce, you sure know how to throw a party. we want to dust him. we truly want to dust him bad. miss. a hit. the bat or the bird. we couldn't decide who got to kill who. or is it whom? we flipped for it. we got you. what's wrong, circus-boy? no mommy and daddy to save you? the scales are tipped. the blindfold torn from the lady's eyes. justice will be served. you're a man after my own heart, son. see you in hell. the bat's taught you well. noble. a mistake. but definitely noble. and me and me. all those heroics for nothing. no more riddles, no more curtains one and two. just plain old curtains. oh. emotion is so often the enemy of justice. thank you, bruce. no!