the usual gas. if this clown could lay a hand on grissom. i would've had to kill him by now. don't think so, angel. i'm too valuable. that's the way i've planned it. and besides, he doesn't know. i didn't ask. you didn't show up. i'm sure that was vitally important. listen: things are heating up. someone is leaking information to harvey dent. eckhardt. our problems are your problems. very nice, lieutenant. but a little ostentatious on a cop's salary, don't you think? you're a smart boy, eckhardt. you should be thinking about the future. and why's that? here. use mine. we can always pop him. -- or pop someone close to him. "industrial espionage." me? why do you need me to handle a simple break-in? i understand. mirror. mirror. it's me. "sugar bumps." is that what you "heard"? i've died once already. it wasn't so bad. -- in fact i recommend it. jack? jack? do i look like a jack?? ha! that's the best part. i can't!!