what a view. our little city. it always brings a smile to my face. so that's how it is, gents. until grissom decides it's safe to come up for air. i'm running the show. 'cause i got an army, chum. and i got grissom's army. and this city is mine. i've considered that possibility. nobody wants a war, carmine. if we can't do business, we shake hands and part friends. that's it. that's what they said about lee iacocca. now get out of here. -- and think it over! all reet! i think it's about time we called another meeting, huh? how's that first shipment coming? mmm. how'd you find it? new improved joker brand. with the secret ingredient. smylenol! let's go to our blind taste test. i know what you're saying. where can i buy these fine, fine products? well, that's the gag, folks, you never know. chances are. you've bought 'em already!!! baby's got a tummyache? here's something that'll fix him quick! get dressed. we're going out. okay, boys, let's broaden our minds. i think it's safe to take that off. unfortunate, but i think we can work around it. a visual record, yes. a before-and- after kind of thing. this could make your reputation. behind the makeup? strong stomach, huh? i like that in a woman. -- maybe we can do business after all. christ, it's my girlfriend. what? shucks, honey, i forgot. (rolling his eyes at alicia! come here, have a seat. show miss vale why you wear the mask. what? i improved her a little. miss vale, was it something i said? do you want to sniff my flower? come on, miss vale. stop and smell the roses!! i want him!! i want him!! all units! southbound on riverview! i don't know. we'd better get out of here. westbound on 36th. do you copy?? take 'em! i want his head! joker here. can we talk? huh. demands. well, gents, this is kinda embarrassing, but. i'm having such a swell time, i just haven't thought any up. ten million dollars. ten million dollars. ten mi-- you cheapskates! i've just wiped out the stock market. i've cost you billions! i want ten million and one. goddammit, i expect to be treated like an artist. get off my screen!! dammit! you can't get good help these days. -- let's move out. slow down, you maniac! they'll be sorry. they'll be sorry. -- get out of here! move! can't you do something?? oh my god. how does he do it. ? head for the truck! i love fireworks! like your boyfriend. he's kinda hot. hands off the belt. gosh, i could kill you, but then you'd miss my party. and i'd be real, real sad if you couldn't make it. batman! don't you even recognize your old pal jack? after all. you made me what i am today. thankya, thankya. ladies and germs, i'm here to tell you. we have had one helluva quarter. look at that, folks. we got 'em rolling in the aisles! happy birthday, gotham. here's a little token of my esteem. have fun. 'cause the party's on me! no. nooooo!!! there. there. -- get 'em!! he'll be back. he'll be back!! you do him. i'm outta here. gotham cathedral. come and get me. i'm in the belltower. don't land. batman? well now, you're not exactly the picture of mental health, are you. bruce, we're both murderers. think how many people you've killed by letting me live.