great, but tell me: is this another you-know-what? 'cause if so, it's the third one this week. good answer. i'm gonna put you in for a commendation. hiya, gents. this anything i should know about? no offense, boys, but these guys are seeing something up there. come on. one question. is there a six-foot bat in gotham city? what have you got for me, jerry? i'm real busy, clark. be a pal and dust him, okay? vicki vale. honey -- i would know any randomly selected square inch of vicki vale. if i had a good enough hint. god, a girl could get hurt doing this. got any more of those? it's too good, vick. we got a six- foot bat that swoops out of the night and preys on evildoers. small so far. i mean -- they don't allow bats in boardrooms, do they. yeah. hottest ticket in town. every law'n'order freak in the city's gonna be there. well, i'm starving. will you at least buy me a hamburger? how high up would you say that is? you know, if you cut your bathroom in half, you'd have my apartment. the small one. yeah, i guess we move in different circles. -- though i did meet a one-eyed pimp last week. commissioner gordon! what do you hear from our pointy-eared friend? aww, commissioner. there's gotta be one honest cop in gotham city. mr. dent. what's your stand on winged vigilantes? my question is, where does one man get all this junk. holy shit. likes to kill? i bet they like him for his big charity balls. well, you know me. the more they've got, the less they're worth. this guy must be the most worthless man in america. i assume in my usual charming manner i've just insulted the host. alexander knox. great. give me a grant. "this is miss vale." -- that felt redundant. some people think she has two. i know the rich are different, but that guy is real different. what were you thinking? well, he must like the way he looks. he's got a mirror in every room. commissioner. do us both a favor. don't tell me some lie you'll have to retract later. bruce wayne? date? he called you up and asked you for a date?. shit. hey miranda! c'mere! i want you to pay close attention to this. miranda -- tell my friend here what you told me about bruce wayne. yeah. "mister one-nighter." because that's the average length of his relationships with women. tell her about the peanuts. yeah. peanuts. which is how he goes through women. why? aw, come on, vicki, i'm a reporter. i'm curious. i do this for a living. -- what'd you tell him? what was that? miranda, i'm busy. go be productive. peanut. come on. gimme some dirt! hiya, peanut. i got something i'd like you to see. okay, here we go. check it out. i guess so. pulitzer prize, 1963. yep. he watched the whole thing happen. -- recognize the beat cop? jim gordon. something like this -- what do you suppose this could drive a guy to? he walks out on his own party. half an hour later, the caped crusader turns up in full bat-drag. sees an execution, freaks out in an alleyway. no place to change. yeah, vicki, he's "married" all right. oh? why is that, vicki? okay, vicki, i have a confession to make. i'm the batman. right. and they know him. and that's why it would never occur to them for a minute that their old buddy bruce puts on a cape at night and goes out looking for -- your little chum is out of his mind. next time you call him up and he can't go out friday night -- think it over. vicki, it all fits. the stuff you're telling me -- the car, the equipment -- somebody's paying for it. the fbi. you know who's got the fbi computer contract? wayne technologies. the guy's bats all right. he's bat shit crazy. this is gonna be the most incredible -- not what? vicki. we got a wealthy millionaire here. who dresses up like a bat. he goes out at night and swings around -- in his cape -- on a rope. okay. maybe i'm crazy. gimme a break. if he wants to chat, he can talk to his car. well, when he does you know my number. alexander knox. gotham globe. actually, i wanted to talk to batman. pass that on to mr. wayne, would you? well, that's how it is, chum. she tells me everything. simple. you know the score. one column -- and i can bring all this tumbling down. i can take you off the streets once and for all. i want you to hang up the suit. and i want you to stay away from vicki. then stay away from vicki. that's all i want, man. i just want your word. because i -- because she'd never speak to me again. yeah, a drink. "civilized." man-to- man, right? vicki! what do you say? let's head for the lights. so much for underdog. what happened?!? jesus christ, the guy's a genius. great. how?? gimme a hand up here! get the car! holy shit!! yeah. yeah. little winded. did you see that?! holy shit. holy -- jesus, vicki.