how'd you know it was me? a nice, restful vacation. i do get hurt. nothing i'm at liberty to reveal here. what's new and hot in gotham city? evildoers, huh? big or small? speaking of which. i hear the notorious bruce wayne is throwing a big do for the harvey dent campaign. no. yes, but please -- be gentle. some. i am a rich bitch, remember. i'm quoting. all over the world. they say he spends most of the year overseas -- until recently, anyway. just what i've heard. rich. reclusive. old money and lots of it. women find him magnetic. that, and the sweet smell of two hundred million bucks. that's intriguing. they haven't been published yet. don't mind my friend. he's a little nervous tonight. as far as i know. oh. sorry. i was thinking. yum, yum. i get it. bruce vain. guess who's got a date with bruce wayne. peanuts? plain or roasted? alex, i'm very flattered that you've gone out and done all this research. i told him yes. do you sail? you do a very convincing imitation. mm, this is tasty. what's yours? i guess i needed a change. have you ever been to corto maltese? we went there once when i was little. i played on the beach. and at nights -- they had a band -- i danced with my father on the hotel patio. that was corto maltese. when the war broke out i had to go back. and i promised myself that this time. i wouldn't look away. terror. i'm sorry. i didn't mean to -- i know it all seems a million miles away, out here on the water, with all this -- bruce, really, when i say these things i don't mean to criticize you. i'm happy to talk about something else. i don't want to be depressing. i'm sorry, bruce, i have to ask. are you like this with the other women you know? -- because i just can't seem to get a handle on this conversation. -- but it's not fair. i'm half drunk and you're not even -- god. you would. come on, bruce. i just want to get two drinks in you. as an experiment. we could try that. i didn't mean to scare you. i just had to come in here and see it that was really you singing. then there's one thing in the world you don't do very well. and i know what it is. -- now you'll have to kill me. to tell you the truth, i'd just about given up waiting. hm hmm. lunch. not even dinner. okay, i'm a sucker. you sound so much like someone i used to. bruce? i know this is silly, but -- you're not married, are you? all street mimes should be executed. bruce!! please tell him. i'm not trying to make his life difficult. i'd just -- i'd just like to know what's going on. oh my god. i've seen this picture. his face. allie, look at his face. oh, bruce. alexander, you are on drugs. you're pissing me off, allie. i know exactly why you're doing this. he's best friends with jim gordon and harvey dent. they would know. alexander. i know you. this is pointless. i'm leaving. not to me. i need a job. then "everyone" must know something i don't. i'm meeting mr. wayne. is he here? thank you. and you want a -- maybe we should start with a portrait of the artist. people might like to see the face behind the makeup. i've seen worse. much worse. why the mask? you scum! you sick filth!. you did that to her! i'll see you burn. i'll see you dead. -- get away from me!! no! which car? look! police! shouldn't we -- what about her? what about the girl? can't we -- a hundred and eight? well -- i think you might consider thanking me. you were good as dead. i just wanted to distract them. i wasn't trying to get a picture of you. i won't let you have it. look, i appreciate what you did for me. but this is my job. and i'm keeping those pictures. how do i know you won't keep them all? where are you going to take me? how long have i been out? well, i've certainly enjoyed it. what's that? i meant to ask you. up on the roof -- how did you know my name? what is this stuff? kevlar? it doesn't protect your head, though. how'd you find this place? i don't like bats. not that kind. who pays for all this? the computers? no more makeup. -- looks like we'll all be showing our true faces now. wait. you can just tap into any corporate database you want? anywhere? you could've killed him, you know. you could have killed the joker. bruce? yes, bruce -- i'm here -- well, bruce. i don't think. that would be possible. i, uh. i just can't -- but he's not. he's not crazy. allie. he wants to tell me. that's why he took me there. because he's trying to tell me. he has to tell someone. and i'm the one. he's trying to tell me. i know it's you, bruce. i'm not going to talk to you unless we can discuss it. i'm serious, bruce. we have to -- so we just pretend none of this ever happened. we never met. we -- you're going to get yourself killed, bruce. you know that, don't you? i don't understand it. you can do so much good for people. as bruce wayne. you're one man. you can't save everybody. bruce, at the rate you're going, you can't even save yourself. oh, god. i've got to have some coffee or something. bruce! oh, bruce. don't tell me you carry it around with you. "it worked for van gogh. let's make up. i'll need you soon." -- whew. where are you calling from? i'm sorry, she hung up. what are -- how can you do that if she's already off the line? what now! i'm not frightened of you, bruce. i'm frightened for you. yeah. deja vu. allie!! the windows!! oh my god. compressor tanks. he's got the balloons rigged with compressor tanks!! look! it's bruce!! allie -- the balloons. we've got to find some way to tell him! you okay? god yes, allie. i've gotta say -- that was the ballsiest move i ever -- allie!! i loved you too. i don't know why i'm doing this. i half wish you'd stay a cripple. i don't, but. i do. it's just. i love you, bruce. i -- i guess you did it, didn't you. you saved everyone. almost.