sergeant keller! how was the war? did we win? as usual, your cynicism is refreshing. you should get that checked. now keller, who needs that sandwich more - you or the daughter of a crack addict trying to make a new life? that went well. keller. there's a meteor shower. oh, you mean emmett? they didn't have an empty bed for him at care house. he just needs a place to sleep for the night. i've been straight for four years, almost five. a third of your life. i hate to tell you this, but i'm not your problem anymore. let me know. i can wait. keller, there's a meteor shower. did you make this with more chili pepper than usual? that sounds nice. hey. kelly. not bad. did you get punched? i know the feeling. come on in and watch some television. don't worry, this one's bolted to the wall. as you can see, my reputation precedes me. any battles this weekend? busy, busy. answer me this: how come no one ever reenacts the vietnam war? i guess it would. folks dressed up like your mom and me. people reenacting fleeing to canada, burning draft cards. i guess that would ruin the spirit of the thing, now wouldn't it? i bet you could.