kelly? i mean - that's irish, right? dude, you made him write to his mother? who are you, dr. phil? might as well. there's only an hour left anyway. that willys yours? real funny, ernswiler. you might still get your chance to die today. character building? those crazy guys from ann arbor tied them to a dock. d-day at kenosha was nothing. at guadalcanal chillicothe there was a guy who actually injected himself with malaria. where do you live, anyway? that explains the death wish. me too. what street? hmm, don't know it. langely prep. well, i got kicked out of shaker heights high because my birdhouse came unglued in honors woodshop. no matter. we're all soldiers here. you should come over some time. service our lawnmower. how bourgeois. cheerio then. kelly. hey. just a couple days a month, to get a heads-up on the latest stuff. what are you doing? is that all? don't bother. i have a couple extras at home. i could give you one if you want. my dad's real into hoarding. grant's field flask. forget him. what is he, some kind of sadist? jesus, she must think you're really screwed up. are you? take this. that'll shut them up. stonewall jackson's. can you imagine that? losing your leg and getting back up on your horse? unbelievable. what balls. he's got so much crap crammed in here he doesn't even notice when it's missing. i saw a backpack in here somewhere. i thought he had a couple. trust me, you shouldn't. where'd your old one go? how? you let someone take it? sounds like your mouth gets you into trouble a lot. tabby, this is kelly. shut up. very funny. we're paying attention to you, are you happy now? minnie's making sloppy joes. want one? the fianc. listen, i'm going to the flea market on saturday. i have a line on a couple dealers. you could get a backpack there. especially if you know who to talk to. or your sister's sandbox. no, that's quite all right. actually, i'm in the market for medals. are you sure? yeah. how much? general ulysses s. grant's field flask, my friend. throw in one of those backpacks and we'll call it even. exactly. that's why the resale value is so high. don't be so nave. we all have our skeletons. some of them just pay more than others. don't ask, don't tell. the army gets everything right, don't they? anything military? what do you want for the box? fifteen. not at dartmouth. where are you going to go to school? ah, you have that luxury. i didn't have much say in the matter. everything has been decided for me since birth. i'm not whining about it. play the hand you're dealt, right? are you crazy? my life sucks. everyone's always telling me what to do. you can't fight it. go with the flow. she got to go where she wanted. sarah lawrence. six years. she's almost done with grad school. yale. i don't know. i mean, she drives off in her car in september. for all we know, she could just pull her car over in albany and sleep there until may. it was a joke. joke? what happened to your face? same guy? what are you going to do about it? of course not. but there are alternatives… haven't you ever heard of the 193rd special operations wing? well do you want to get this guy or what? all right. let's get the fuck out of here, then. i have some things to show you. once we've gathered the intelligence, the plan will reveal itself. no, it limits our scope - what's the objective? easy enough. 'nam's probably our go- to war for that sort of thing. i have the declassified briefs from the phoenix project around here somewhere. of course we'll drop what we're doing because what you're doing must be more important. i'll find those reports. christ kelly, i let you go out on a little supply line assist and you're gone for days. come on. enough with the mind pollution, hanoi hannah. so, you have a thing for my sister? everybody does. oh really, like what? you don't wear women's clothes when you're alone, do you? let me see. don't be a farb, give them up. the coast is clear. let me prepare to deploy. we've planned for every contingency using the tried and true techniques of the last great world power. stay low. on my signal. what an asshole. his mom gave me cookies, though. don't ask stupid questions. let's go home and listen. it was a five-watt fm bug, so we should be in range - be patient. it's voice activated, so we'll get everything. trust me. it's going to be great. we reconnoiter tomorrow at nineteen hundred hours. it's really too perfect, actually. i can't describe. just hit play. it's all cued up. exactly. i have a few notes jotted down. she dots her i's with hearts. and her l's are loopier. the l is very important. sometimes collateral damage can't be avoided. pretty good. i think we're ready to manufacture a document. begin. "hey daddy. it's your birthday and you've been a very bad boy. but so has the baby. both baby and daddy have to get punished, only this time do you have everything? we can't afford any errors. i wish i could be there to see it. it's a day that will live in infamy. i don't hear you coming up with anything. yes, i need to get a message to bridget shumann. this is mensa. you're kidding me. to operation mincemeat. how does it feel to give better than you get? you want some more? that's my boy. -- but i told you i want to take german -- same page. is there nothing you can't discuss? my dad has this friend who's a director. he's shooting a documentary for the history channel. he needs some guys to do a reenactment of some european theater battles for him. i haven't asked you yet. well, if you want to. next weekend. but you have to take it seriously. from what i've seen, you play fast and loose with your characterizations. this has got to be straight up. like back in the dining room? "i noticed your magnolias. very fine specimens." that was real? you just seem to have your own agenda, that's all. i'm just saying. i know the difference between fantasy and reality. i don't know. why didn't you tell me your dad was a burn-out? i tracked you down. there's someone i'd like you to meet. i met him when my mom made me go around caroling with the youth group. does it matter? i don't know. you tell me. i told you not to play him for money. exactly. you should know better. what do you want. that woman's calling you. likewise. so, doing a little business? not at all. but i'd love to, anyway. what's your problem? she's pretty cute. don't you want your soda? so filming's on saturday. can you make it? good. it's gonna be really cool. he's got an explosives expert coming. what's up? maybe you should talk to my dad about it. of course. he loves you. he was talking the other day about helping you out. want to go to dartmouth? he was. if you applied for spring semester, he could "pull some strings." yeah, probably not. that's bullshit. tell that to my family. they're like your fucking fan club. even tabby likes you. well, she's inviting you to the wedding. but you probably won't enjoy that much, will you? good, i'll call mom's nephew fletcher and tell him to expect a little action. he's twelve. let me give some advice. he's very into sharks at the moment. not tonight, ma. no where. i ought to fucking kill you. you had to do it. you just do whatever the fuck you want. and consequences don't matter, do they? what the fuck do you think she's going to do, run off with you? you're a seventeen-year-old bag boy. she's a yale grad student. talk about living in a fucking fantasy world. once again, you've displayed your uncanny ability to nail the truth of a character. he should be here any minute. calm down. what the fuck are you doing? i uninvited you. why are you wearing that? i can't let you come in. because you know why. just go home. hey. yeah. the have this intensive summer orientation thing. well, it's optional, but dad thinks it would be "a good way to meet people." he usually is. thanks. everything you'd let me bring.