don't touch anything. we have to get ready for the starving artist show. now nana, the gold has to be feathery, not gloppy - see? now you try. she loves the gold. always overuses it. and usually her touch is so light. mao, what did we say about the eyes? that's right. and didn't i tell you to put in more cacti? oh boy. i'm not having this battle with you again. well, you can always chip in here. we're ordering pizza later. sweetie, you know what we said about paying for the war things. nothing's changed. don't be dramatic. you're just going to have to find a way to pay for it yourself then, i guess. no - not that way - the sky should be stormier. angry clouds. more brown, less blue. oh, kelly, you're home. good. i need you to go to the art supply store for me. he was going to but he had to go lead a meeting at care house. i'll make it up to you. when are you going to give me a break? you're right. you have every reason to crawl into the corner and give up. but please just get me some paints first. we need burnt sienna, cadmium red, and midnight blue. two tubes of blue. what happened to your face? -- and if we don't sell them there, we'll set up on the corner of stevens and lane, by the gas station. that's a good location. are you listening to me? the same as always. kelly. want dinner? one day, we're all going to be happy. hey you two. i'll try not to act surprised. it might spoil the moment. keller, i think i'm missing some art supplies. have you seen them around the house? i don't know what to do with him. when are you going to let me give you your own show? we could do it for real. kelly! what a nice surprise. it's so nice to finally meet you. a little is right. but i work it as much as i can. so, what have you boys been up to? charlie at the old soldiers' home? you boys should swing by care house. there are some vets there. oh. well - okay. i should go. but you boys should come over to our house some time. i know your family must get tired of him. well, you're going to have to. your father's at the hospital. they think he has stomach cancer. why would you say something like that? "seems to fit." do you understand what i just said? kelly - oh kelly. what happened? jesus. let me see that. i'm going over to see dad. and you need to come. at this point that's not an option. it's never a good time. it's not about you anymore -- what is wrong with you? when are you going to stop blaming us, blaming him? i'm sick of you being angry. i want to be angry! they just took out half of your father's stomach - you will not tell me what's enough. you don't know about anything. all you do is fight fake battles, in the woods, on the playground. but this, right here, us - this is the real one, the only one worth anything. the man i love is dying. if i made a mistake, if you felt left out, i'm sorry. but i can only deal with one thing at a time. kelly, is that you? he looks just like you. that's amazing. art playing a part in war. i have.