so how'd your battle go today? i still don't understand how you could reenact the battle of the bulge in seventy-two degree weather. didn't all those guys freeze to death? that's gross. then why do you do it? really? maybe i should try it. stop it! sorry i asked. i'll accidentally drop a couple pints of milk and meet you over there. the frozen food woman came in with her kids. they must eat out of those little cardboard trays every night. one of the kids looked like cardboard. no. sorry about that. why do you mess with him? sounds dangerous. have you been drinking? what presentation? okay. um. it's nothing. i - i have an extra ticket to aerosmith this weekend. oh. yeah, i figured. okay. i'll see you in the dairy section, though. i forgot to tell you this box was booby-trapped. the concert was lame. the opening act singer ripped his leather pants during a stupid dance routine and stormed off stage. are you okay? lance? sure. i understand. um, i don't have a perfect life, if that's what you're asking. fuck you. hey. i've got a summer internship at an ad agency. it's all right, i guess. when are you going to get a real job? you can't be a stock boy your whole life. well, it was good seeing you. what? if you think it would be more fun. i spent my summers with my grandma in the catskills. she didn't give me any spending money. so i played the bones for ice cream.